Tips to balance work and family
How to switch from being successful Chief Mama to being truly present with your kids
4 tips to balance work and family
- Effectively manage your time
- Be selective with your commitments and do less
- Banish mama guilt
- Focus and clear your mind between tasks
Running a business with a young family can be challenging
Especially if you cannot switch off the constant monkey mind chatter with your monumental to do - list. Mothers are incredibly productive and are a driving force for the economy - spending $132 billion a year. We are multitasking experts - managing kids, partners, school, work and wear many hats in their daily role as a mother.
One of the biggest struggles I hear from mums is that they cannot switch off from being a successful Chief Mama to being truly present with their kids. They are cooking dinner, while writing a blog post in their head or bathing the kids thinking of what photos to use for their upcoming newsletter. Their mission is to get the kids in bed so they can sit down, take a breath and then carry on with their business-related tasks.
And then the guilt creeps in. They have been stuck on auto-pilot and have missed precious moments with their kids because, even though they were physically present, they were not really “there” at all.

The truth is that many mums love to multi-task
This is an essential skill when juggling so many balls, but it also means that there are half-drunk cups of tea cluttering up the kitchen, unfinished lists and nothing feels completed. This can leave mums feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
I am a mindfulness teacher and I mentor mums in business. I am founder of the award-winning business Yoga Mamata and author of the award-winning book Mother Om. I help mums manage the mayhem of motherhood and create a business they love by using the practice of mindfulness. This gives mums a way of reconnecting with to themselves after having kids, gives motherhood meaning and allows mums to manifest their dreams.
Recommended reading: 4 ways to a better work-life balance
So how do you switch between roles?
Manage your time
We all have the same amount of time. 24 hours in a day. Manage your time so that when you work, you work. You are not being distracted by doing housework or scrolling through threads on social media. Mindfulness is doing one thing at a time. When you eat, eat. When you sleep, sleep. When you’re with the kid's you are not working. Leave your phone on silent and focus on being a mindful mama. Unplug and play.
Be more productive by doing less
When you focus on the task at hand you can get a whole day's work done in 2 hours. However, we are constantly told to do more, serve more, and be better - and the expectations you put on yourself keeps growing.
When you are feeling overwhelmed. Do nothing. Yes nothing. Take a break. Go for a walk. Clarity comes in the stillness, not the busyness. Doing less means you are less stressed and more productive.
Let go of motherhood guilt
We all feel guilty at times but this guilt does not serve us well and can consume us. Having a business that lights you up and brings you joy is essential to your own wellbeing and self-care.
You should be your number one priority, think of it the same way as business your focus should be 50% strategy and 50% mindset. Having a strong mindset where you can “let go” of emotions like guilt allows you to be more present and cultivate more self-compassion.
Recommended Reading: How To Start Practicing Self Care
Clear your mind between tasks
Using the senses is a great way to ground yourself into the present moment. The breath is your anchor. When it is time to pick up the kids take a few deep breaths or create a ritual that allows you to separate being Chief Mama to being Mindful Mama. Play calm music in the car or drink a mindful cuppa, do a 3-minute mindfulness practice so you are not rushing.
Your kids pick up on your energy. If you are distracted and stressed, this is reflected in their behaviour that seeks more connection from you.
This article was originally written by Leonie Percy. Leonie is a mindfulness teacher and mentor. She is the founder of the award-winning business Yoga Mamata and author of the award-winning book, Mother Om. Leonie helps mums manage the mayhem of motherhood and create a business they love by using the practice of mindfulness. This gives mums a way of reconnecting back to themselves after having kids, gives motherhood meaning and also allows mums to manifest their dreams.