
14 Tips to Start a Small Business for Women Entrepreneurs

Explore 14 actionable tips for women entrepreneurs to start a small business successfully, covering planning, funding, marketing, and balancing work-life. Understand the importance of networking and continuous learning for sustained growth and success.

12-15 min
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A small business is a privately owned company with fewer than 20 employees and relatively low revenue compared to larger corporations. In Australia, a small business is typically defined as having fewer than 20 employees, although this definition can vary depending on the industry.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, there were approximately 2.3 million actively trading businesses in Australia as of June 2021. Out of these, 97% were small businesses, employing fewer than 20 people. Furthermore, a significant portion of these small businesses are owned and operated by women. A report by the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman found that women own 43% of small businesses in Australia, and this number has been steadily increasing over the years. Additionally, a study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed that 3 in 10 mums in Australia run their own business.

Tips can be valuable pieces of advice or recommendations that can help women entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of starting and running a small business. These tips can provide guidance on various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as business planning, financing, marketing, and work-life balance. By following these tips, women entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success, avoid common pitfalls, and create a thriving small business that aligns with their goals and values.

The 14 Best Tips to Start a Small Business for Women Entrepreneurs

  1. Develop a solid business plan: A well-crafted business plan is essential for outlining your business goals, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategies. It serves as a roadmap for your business and can help you secure funding from investors or lenders.
  2. Identify your niche and target market: Focus on a specific product or service that fills a gap in the market and resonates with your target customers. Conduct thorough market research to understand your audience's needs, preferences, and buying behaviours.
  3. Secure adequate funding: Determine your startup costs and explore various funding options, such as personal savings, small business loans, grants, or crowdfunding. Look for grants and programs specifically designed to support women entrepreneurs.
  4. Build a strong network: Networking is crucial for women entrepreneurs, as it can lead to valuable connections, mentorship opportunities, and potential partnerships. Attend industry events, join professional organisations, and engage with other women business owners.
  5. Invest in marketing and branding: Develop a strong brand identity that reflects your business values and appeals to your target audience. Utilise various marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and content creation, to reach and engage with potential customers.
  6. Embrace technology and digital tools: Leverage technology to streamline your operations, enhance productivity, and reach a wider audience: Utilise cloud-based software, e-commerce platforms, and digital marketing tools to grow your business efficiently.
  7. Seek mentorship and support: Find a mentor who has experience in your industry or has successfully started a small business. Join women entrepreneur groups or seek guidance from business advisors to gain valuable insights and support throughout your entrepreneurial journey.
  8. Prioritise work-life balance: As a woman entrepreneur, balancing business responsibilities with personal and family life can be challenging. Set clear boundaries, delegate tasks, and create a support system to help you manage your time and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  9. Continuously learn and adapt: Stay informed about industry trends, customer preferences, and emerging technologies. Be open to learning new skills and adapting your business strategies to stay competitive in the ever-changing market landscape.
  10. Celebrate your successes and learn from setbacks: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. When faced with setbacks or failures, treat them as learning opportunities and use the insights gained to make informed decisions and improve your business.
  11. Develop a strong online presence: In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for reaching and engaging with your target audience. Create a professional website, establish a presence on relevant social media platforms, and leverage online directories and review sites to increase your visibility and credibility.
  12. Focus on customer service: Providing exceptional customer service can help you stand out from competitors and build a loyal customer base. Respond promptly to customer inquiries, address concerns or complaints effectively, and go above and beyond to deliver a positive customer experience.
  13. Collaborate with other businesses: Look for opportunities to collaborate with other businesses or entrepreneurs in your industry or local community. This can include cross-promoting each other's products or services, co-hosting events, or partnering on projects. Collaboration can help you expand your reach, share resources, and create mutual benefits.
  14. Give back to your community: Consider ways to give back to your local community or support causes that align with your business values. This can include volunteering your time or expertise, donating a portion of your profits to charity, or supporting local initiatives. Giving back not only makes a positive impact but can also help build goodwill and enhance your business's reputation.

General Steps to Start a Small Business as a woman

  1. Develop a business idea and conduct market research
  2. Create a detailed business plan
  3. Secure necessary funding and resources
  4. Register your business and obtain required licences and permits
  5. Set up your business operations and infrastructure
  6. Build a strong brand and implement marketing strategies
  7. Launch your business and continuously monitor and adjust your strategies

Starting a small business as a mum can be particularly challenging due to the added responsibilities of caring for children and managing household duties. Some of the difficulties mums may face include:

  1. Time management: Juggling business tasks with childcare and family commitments can be demanding and require careful planning and prioritisation.
  2. Emotional stress: Balancing the roles of a mother and an entrepreneur can lead to feelings of guilt, anxiety, and burnout.
  3. Limited resources: mums may have limited financial resources or support systems, making it harder to invest in their business or hire additional help.

To overcome these challenges, mums can seek support from family, friends, or professional networks, delegate tasks when possible, and create a schedule that allows for dedicated time for both business and family responsibilities.

Networking is crucial for women entrepreneurs, as it can provide numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Access to valuable resources and information
  2. Opportunities for collaboration and partnerships
  3. Exposure to potential clients and investors
  4. Emotional support and encouragement from like-minded individuals
  5. Mentorship and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs

By actively participating in networking events, joining professional organisations, and engaging with other women entrepreneurs, aspiring business owners can expand their knowledge, gain valuable insights, and create a strong support system to help them succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavours.

1. Identify a Market Need

Identifying a market need involves recognising a problem or a gap in the market that your product or service can solve or fill. It is the process of understanding the wants, needs, and pain points of your target customers.

Identifying a market need is crucial for the success of your business. By addressing a real problem or demand, you increase the likelihood of attracting customers and generating revenue. It helps you create a product or service that is valuable and relevant to your target audience.

Studies and research have shown that successful entrepreneurs are those who are able to identify and solve real problems in the market. A report by the Harvard Business Review found that the most successful startups are those that address a clear market need. By understanding the needs of your target customers, you can create a product or service that is tailored to their specific requirements, increasing your chances of success.

Tips for Identifying a Market Need

  1. Conduct market research to understand your target audience and their pain points.
  2. Analyse industry trends and identify gaps or opportunities in the market.
  3. Engage with potential customers through surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather insights.
  4. Look for problems that you can solve with your unique skills, experience, or expertise.

2. Validate Your Idea

Validating your business idea means testing its viability and ensuring that there is a demand for your product or service in the market. It involves gathering evidence and feedback to confirm that your idea is worth pursuing.

Validating your idea is important because it helps you avoid investing time and resources into a business that may not be successful. By testing your idea and gathering feedback from potential customers, you can refine your offering and increase your chances of success.

Research has shown that entrepreneurs who validate their ideas before launching their businesses have a higher success rate. A study by the Lean Startup Machine found that startups that validated their ideas before building a product had a 50% higher success rate than those that did not. By validating your idea, you can ensure that there is a demand for your product or service and that it meets the needs of your target customers.

Tips for Validating Your Idea

  1. Create a minimum viable product (MVP) and test it with potential customers.
  2. Conduct surveys or interviews to gather feedback on your idea.
  3. Analyse market trends and competitor offerings to ensure that your idea is unique and valuable.
  4. Use online platforms like Kickstarter or Indiegogo to gauge interest in your product or service.

3. Craft a Business Plan

A business plan is a written document that outlines your business goals, strategies, and financial projections. It serves as a roadmap for your business and helps you stay focused and on track.

A business plan is important because it helps you clarify your business idea, identify your target market, and plan for the future. It also serves as a tool for attracting investors or securing funding for your business.

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs who create a business plan are more likely to succeed than those who do not. A report by the Small Business Administration found that businesses with a plan grow 30% faster than those without one. By creating a business plan, you can set clear goals, identify potential challenges, and develop strategies for overcoming them.

Tips for Crafting a Business Plan

  1. Start with an executive summary that outlines your business idea and goals.
  2. Conduct market research to identify your target audience and competitors.
  3. Develop a marketing and sales strategy that outlines how you will reach and attract customers.
  4. Create financial projections that estimate your revenue, expenses, and cash flow.

4. Secure Funding

Securing funding means obtaining the financial resources necessary to start and grow your business. This can include personal savings, loans, grants, or investments from outside sources.

Securing funding is important because it provides the capital you need to launch and operate your business. Without adequate funding, you may struggle to cover expenses, hire employees, or invest in growth opportunities.

Research has shown that access to funding is a key factor in the success of women-owned businesses. A report by the National Women's Business Council found that women entrepreneurs who receive funding are more likely to achieve high growth than those who do not. By securing funding, you can invest in your business, hire talented employees, and pursue growth opportunities.

Tips for Securing Funding

  1. Explore a variety of funding options, including loans, grants, and investments.
  2. Develop a strong business plan and financial projections to attract potential investors.
  3. Network with other entrepreneurs and attend funding events to meet potential investors.
  4. Consider alternative funding sources like crowdfunding or revenue-based financing.

5. Build Your Network

Building your network means establishing relationships with other professionals, entrepreneurs, and potential customers or partners. It involves connecting with people who can provide support, advice, or opportunities for your business.

Building your network is important because it provides access to valuable resources, knowledge, and opportunities. By connecting with other entrepreneurs and professionals, you can learn from their experiences, get feedback on your ideas, and find potential partners or customers.

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs with strong networks are more likely to succeed than those without. A report by the Kauffman Foundation found that entrepreneurs with larger and more diverse networks grow their businesses faster than those with smaller, less diverse networks. By building your network, you can tap into the knowledge and resources of others to help your business grow and succeed.

Tips for Building Your Network

  1. Attend industry events and conferences to meet other entrepreneurs and professionals.
  2. Join local business groups or associations to connect with like-minded individuals.
  3. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to expand your online network.
  4. Offer to help others in your network and be open to receiving help in return.

6. Promote Your Business

Promoting your business means getting the word out about your product or service to potential customers. It involves using marketing and advertising strategies to attract and retain customers.

Promoting your business is important because it helps you reach and attract new customers. Without effective promotion, potential customers may not be aware of your business or the value it provides.

Research has shown that effective marketing and promotion are key factors in the success of small businesses. A report by the Small Business Administration found that businesses that invest in marketing and promotion are more likely to experience revenue growth than those that do not. By promoting your business, you can attract new customers, build brand awareness, and differentiate yourself from competitors.

Tips for Promoting Your Business

  1. Develop a strong brand identity that reflects your business values and appeals to your target audience.
  2. Use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to reach and engage with potential customers.
  3. Invest in search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your website's visibility in search results.
  4. Attend local events and sponsor community initiatives to build brand awareness and goodwill.

7. Find a Mentor

Finding a mentor means seeking out an experienced entrepreneur or professional who can provide guidance, advice, and support as you start and grow your business.

Finding a mentor is important because it provides access to valuable knowledge, experience, and networks. A mentor can help you navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business, provide feedback on your ideas, and offer guidance on key decisions.

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs who have mentors are more likely to succeed than those who do not. A report by UPS found that 70% of mentored businesses survive past the five-year mark, compared to only 35% of non-mentored businesses. By finding a mentor, you can benefit from their knowledge and experience, avoid common mistakes, and accelerate your business growth.

Tips for Finding a Mentor

  1. Identify successful entrepreneurs or professionals in your industry and reach out to them for guidance.
  2. Join mentorship programs or business incubators that connect entrepreneurs with experienced mentors.
  3. Attend industry events and conferences to meet potential mentors and build relationships.
  4. Be open to feedback and willing to learn from your mentor's experiences and advice.

8. Embrace Challenges

Embracing challenges means being willing to take on difficult or uncertain situations and view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Embracing challenges is important because it helps you develop resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. By taking on challenges, you can push yourself out of your comfort zone, learn new skills, and discover new opportunities for your business.

Research has shown that successful entrepreneurs are those who are willing to take risks and embrace challenges. A study by the Harvard Business School found that entrepreneurs who are willing to take calculated risks and learn from their failures are more likely to succeed than those who are risk-averse. By embracing challenges, you can develop the mindset and skills necessary to overcome obstacles and achieve your business goals.

Tips for Embracing Challenges

  1. View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than obstacles to be avoided.
  2. Break down large challenges into smaller, manageable tasks and tackle them one at a time.
  3. Seek out advice and support from mentors, peers, or experts when facing difficult challenges.
  4. Celebrate your successes and learn from your failures to build resilience and confidence.

9. Celebrate Successes

Celebrating successes means taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, both big and small.

Celebrating successes is important because it helps you stay motivated, build confidence, and maintain a positive outlook. By taking the time to acknowledge your achievements, you can reinforce your progress and build momentum for future success.

Studies have shown that entrepreneurs who celebrate their successes are more likely to experience long-term success. A report by the University of Texas found that entrepreneurs who took the time to celebrate their achievements were more likely to persist through challenges and achieve their goals. By celebrating your successes, you can build a positive mindset, stay motivated, and attract positive attention to your business.

Tips for Celebrating Successes

  1. Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.
  2. Share your successes with your team, mentors, or supporters to build a sense of community and support.
  3. Use your successes as opportunities to reflect on your progress and set new goals for the future.
  4. Celebrate your successes in a way that is meaningful and motivating to you, whether that means taking a day off, treating yourself to a special meal, or sharing your achievements on social media.

10. Develop Your Brand

Developing your brand means creating a unique identity for your business that sets you apart from competitors and resonates with your target audience. It involves defining your brand values, personality, and visual elements like your logo, colour scheme, and messaging.

Developing a strong brand is important because it helps you establish trust and credibility with your target audience. A well-defined brand can help you attract and retain customers, differentiate yourself from competitors, and build long-term loyalty and advocacy.

Studies have shown that businesses with strong brands are more likely to succeed than those without. A report by the Design Council found that businesses that invest in design and branding outperform their peers by 200%. By developing a strong brand, you can create a memorable and recognisable identity for your business that attracts and retains customers.

Tips for Developing Your Brand

  1. Define your brand values, personality, and unique selling proposition (USP).
  2. Create a consistent visual identity across all touchpoints, including your website, social media, and marketing materials.
  3. Develop a brand voice and messaging that resonates with your target audience and reflects your brand personality.
  4. Continuously monitor and evolve your brand to stay relevant and competitive in your industry.

11. Build an Online Presence

Building an online presence means establishing a digital footprint for your business across various online channels, including your website, social media, and online directories. It involves creating and sharing valuable content, engaging with your audience, and optimising your online visibility.

Building an online presence is important because it helps you reach and attract potential customers where they are spending their time - online. With the increasing use of the internet and mobile devices, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Research has shown that businesses with a strong online presence are more likely to succeed than those without. A report by the Design Council, titled "How Design Impacts Your Business Success," highlights the significant role that design and branding play in driving business performance. By building an online presence, you can increase your visibility, attract new customers, and build credibility and trust with your target audience.

Tips for Building an Online Presence

  1. Create a professional website that showcases your brand, products or services, and unique value proposition.
  2. Establish a presence on relevant social media platforms where your target audience is active.
  3. Develop and share valuable content that educates, informs, or entertains your audience.
  4. Optimise your website and online profiles for search engines to improve your visibility and rankings.

12. Master Financials

Mastering financials means developing a strong understanding of your business's financial health, including your revenue, expenses, cash flow, and profitability. It involves creating and managing budgets, forecasting future performance, and making data-driven decisions.

Mastering financials is important because it helps you make informed decisions about your business's future. By understanding your financial performance, you can identify areas for improvement, allocate resources effectively, and plan for growth and expansion.

Studies have shown that businesses with strong financial management are more likely to succeed than those without. A report by the U.S. Small Business Administration found that poor financial management is one of the top reasons why businesses fail. By mastering your financials, you can avoid common pitfalls, make informed decisions, and position your business for long-term success.

Tips for Mastering Financials

  1. Create a budget and stick to it, regularly reviewing and adjusting as needed.
  2. Monitor your cash flow and create a cash flow forecast to anticipate future needs.
  3. Use financial software or hire a bookkeeper or accountant to help you manage your finances.
  4. Regularly review your financial statements and use them to make data-driven decisions about your business.

13. Comply with Regulations

Complying with regulations means ensuring that your business operates in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes obtaining necessary licences and permits, filing taxes, and adhering to employment and labour laws.

Complying with regulations is important because it helps you avoid legal and financial penalties, maintain your reputation, and build trust with your customers and stakeholders. Failure to comply with regulations can result in fines, legal action, and damage to your brand.

Research has shown that businesses that comply with regulations are more likely to succeed than those that do not. A report by the National Small Business Association found that small businesses spend an average of $12,000 per year on regulatory compliance. By staying compliant, you can avoid costly penalties and focus on growing your business.

Tips for Complying with Regulations

  1. Research and understand all relevant laws and regulations that apply to your business.
  2. Obtain necessary licences and permits and renew them as required.
  3. Stay up-to-date on changes to laws and regulations that affect your business.
  4. Consider hiring a lawyer or compliance specialist to help you navigate complex regulatory requirements.

14. Build a Team (Optional)

Building a team means hiring and managing employees or contractors to help you run and grow your business. It involves defining roles and responsibilities, recruiting and onboarding new hires, and creating a positive and productive work environment.

Building a team is important because it allows you to scale your business and capitalise on the skills and expertise of others. A strong team can help you increase productivity, generate new ideas and perspectives, and provide a better experience for your customers.

Studies have shown that businesses with strong teams are more likely to succeed than those without. A report by the Gallup organisation found that highly engaged teams are 17% more productive and have 24% less turnover than disengaged teams. By building a strong team, you can create a competitive advantage and position your business for long-term success.

Tips for Building a Team

  1. Define clear roles and responsibilities for each team member.
  2. Recruit candidates who align with your business's values and culture.
  3. Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to help your team grow and succeed.
  4. Foster a positive and collaborative work environment that encourages open communication and teamwork.

What is a Small Business?

As discussed at the beginning of this article a small business is a privately owned and operated company with a limited number of employees and relatively low revenue compared to larger corporations. Small businesses are often characterised by their agility, adaptability, and close connection to their local communities.

In Australia, the legal definition of a small business varies depending on the industry and the purpose of the definition. For example, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) defines a small business as one with an annual revenue turnover (excluding GST) of less than $10 million. Small businesses in Australia may be eligible for various tax concessions, such as simplified depreciation rules and immediate deductions for certain expenses. However, running a small business in Australia can also be challenging due to complex regulations, high costs, and competition from larger companies.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, women make up approximately 34% of all small business owners in Australia. This number has been steadily increasing over the past few decades, with more women choosing to start their own businesses for reasons such as flexibility, passion, and financial independence. 

How to start a business as a woman

Steps to Start a Business as a Woman

  1. Develop a business idea: Identify a problem or gap in the market that your skills, experience, and passions can address.
  2. Conduct market research: Analyse your target audience, competitors, and industry trends to validate your business idea and identify potential challenges and opportunities.
  3. Create a business plan: Outline your business model, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational requirements in a comprehensive document.
  4. Secure funding: Explore various funding options, such as personal savings, loans, grants, or investors, to finance your startup costs and ongoing expenses.
  5. Register your business: Choose a business structure (e.g., sole trader, partnership, company) and register your business with the relevant government agencies, such as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and the ATO.
  6. Obtain licences and permits: Ensure that you have all the necessary licences and permits to operate your business legally and comply with industry regulations.
  7. Set up your operations: Establish your business location, equipment, inventory, and processes to start delivering your products or services to customers.
  8. Build your brand and market your business: Develop a strong brand identity and implement marketing strategies to reach and engage your target audience.

Grants for Women to Start a Business in Australia

There are various grants and support programs available for women entrepreneurs in Australia, such as:

  • The Women's Leadership and Development Program (WLDP)
  • The Boosting Female Founders Initiative
  • The Women in STEM and Entrepreneurship (WISE) Program

These grants can provide financial assistance, mentoring, and resources to help women start and grow their businesses.

What are some examples of female entrepreneurs who started with nothing?

Here are three examples of female entrepreneurs who started with limited resources and achieved significant success:

  1. Janine Allis, Boost Juice Founder: Janine Allis started Boost Juice in 2000 with a small loan from her parents and a passion for healthy living. She grew the company into a global franchise with over 500 stores worldwide, becoming one of Australia's most successful female entrepreneurs.
  2. Melanie Perkins, Canva Co-Founder and CEO: Melanie Perkins started Canva, a graphic design software company, in her mother's living room in Perth. She and her co-founders bootstrapped the company for several years before securing investment and growing Canva into a multi-billion-dollar global business.
  3. Jo Horgan, MECCA Brands Founder: Jo Horgan started MECCA Cosmetica, a luxury beauty retailer, with a single store in Melbourne in 1997. She built the company into a thriving empire with over 100 stores across Australia and New Zealand, becoming one of the country's most influential female entrepreneurs.

What are the best Business Ideas for a mum?

Some of the best business ideas for mums include:

  1. Online retail or e-commerce: Starting an online store or selling products through platforms like Etsy or Amazon can provide flexibility and the ability to work from home while caring for children.
  2. Freelancing or consulting: Offering freelance services or consulting in areas such as writing, graphic design, marketing, or accounting can allow mums to leverage their skills and experience while maintaining a flexible schedule.
  3. Child-related services: Providing services such as child care, tutoring, or party planning can be a natural fit for mums who enjoy working with children and have experience in these areas.
  4. Health and wellness coaching: Helping others achieve their health and wellness goals through coaching or creating online courses can be a rewarding and flexible business idea for mums passionate about healthy living.

These business ideas are well-suited for mums because they may offer:

  • Flexibility to work around family responsibilities
  • Ability to leverage existing skills and experiences
  • Potential for growth and scalability
  • Opportunities for both online and offline business models

When considering business ideas for mums, it's essential to choose one that aligns with your passions, skills, and lifestyle goals, as this can increase your chances of success and fulfilment as an entrepreneur.

How to Get a Grant to Start a Business

A grant is a sum of money awarded by a government agency, corporation, foundation, or trust to an individual or organisation for a specific purpose, such as starting or growing a business. Unlike loans, grants do not need to be repaid, making them an attractive funding option for entrepreneurs.

Grants can provide significant benefits and have a positive impact on small businesses, especially those in the early stages of development. Some of the key advantages of grants include:

  • Access to non-dilutive funding, allowing entrepreneurs to maintain full ownership of their businesses
  • Ability to allocate funds towards essential expenses, such as equipment, inventory, or marketing
  • Increased credibility and exposure for the business, which can help attract additional funding or customers
  • Opportunities for mentorship, networking, and skill development through grant programs and associated resources

While the availability and specific requirements of grants vary by country, most nations offer some form of grant funding to support small businesses and entrepreneurship. The eligibility criteria, application process, and funding amounts may differ depending on the country and the specific grant program.

How to Get a Grant to Start a Business in Australia

General Steps to Get a Grant in Australia

  1. Research available grants: Identify grant programs that align with your business sector, location, and specific needs. Sources include government websites, industry associations, and local business networks.
  2. Review eligibility criteria: Carefully review the eligibility requirements for each grant program to ensure that your business qualifies. This may include factors such as business size, industry, location, and target audience.
  3. Prepare a strong application: Gather all the necessary documentation, such as business plans, financial projections, and market research, to create a compelling grant application. Clearly articulate how the grant funds will be used and the expected impact on your business.
  4. Submit your application: Follow the specific submission guidelines for each grant program, which may involve online forms, hard-copy applications, or in-person interviews.
  5. Follow up and comply with requirements: If your application is successful, follow up with the grant provider to ensure you understand the terms and conditions of the funding. Comply with any reporting or milestone requirements to maintain your eligibility.

The specific requirements for grants in Australia vary by program, but some common criteria include:

  • Being a registered business with an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Having a viable business plan and financial projections
  • Demonstrating the potential for growth, innovation, or positive social impact
  • Meeting any industry-specific or location-based requirements

Can a mum Apply for Grants?

Yes, mums who are starting or running small businesses in Australia are eligible to apply for various grant programs. Some grants may even specifically target women entrepreneurs or businesses that support family-friendly initiatives.

Where to Get Advice for Women in Business

Women in business can seek advice and support from various sources, including:

  • Networking with other women in business: Joining women-focused business networks, attending industry events, and participating in online forums can provide valuable opportunities to connect with and learn from other female entrepreneurs.
  • Business coaches and mentors: Working with a business coach or mentor who has experience in your industry can provide personalised guidance, accountability, and support as you navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business.
  • Women's business organisations: Joining organisations such as the Australian Women's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AWCCI) or the Women's Network Australia (WNA) can provide access to resources, events, and advocacy specifically tailored to the needs of women in business.

Seeking advice and building a strong support network are essential for women entrepreneurs, as they can help provide guidance, inspiration, and opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Why Networking is Important for a Small Business

Networking is crucial for small businesses for several reasons:

  • Access to new opportunities: Networking can help you identify new customers, partners, suppliers, and investors who can contribute to the growth and success of your business.
  • Knowledge sharing: Connecting with other business owners and industry professionals can provide valuable insights, advice, and best practices that can help you make informed decisions and avoid common pitfalls.
  • Increased visibility: Participating in networking events and online communities can help raise the profile of your business and establish your reputation as an expert in your field.
  • Emotional support: Building relationships with other entrepreneurs can provide a sense of camaraderie and moral support, which can be invaluable when facing the challenges of running a small business.

Statistics on the Impact of Networking

  • A study by the Harvard Business Review found that 78% of startups' success is dependent on the entrepreneurs' networks.
  • A survey by the Small Business Administration found that small businesses that engage in networking are 45% more likely to generate referrals than those that do not.
  • According to a report by LinkedIn, 80% of professionals consider networking essential to career success.

Mums & Co: Supporting Women in Business through Networking

Mums & Co is an online platform and community that supports and connects women in business, particularly mums who are balancing entrepreneurship with family responsibilities. By joining Mums & Co, women entrepreneurs can access:

  • Online forums and events to network with other women in business
  • Resources, templates, and guides specifically tailored to the needs of mum entrepreneurs
  • Exclusive discounts and offers on business products and services
  • Opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and referrals

Through platforms like Mums & Co, women entrepreneurs can build valuable connections, access support and resources, and ultimately increase their chances of success in starting and growing their businesses.