Starting a business

More Essential Tools for your Small Business

Tools to help you streamline the way you run your business? That's handy knowledge to have up your business sleeve.

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Tools to help you streamline the way you run your business? That’s handy knowledge to have up your business sleeve…

Here’s the gospel, according to TechCoach Megan Iemma.

Organisation Tools/GTD (Get things Done!)

Any.Do is both an Android and iOS app as well as a Chrome app. Great for reminders and setting tasks (which then syncs with iCal and your GMail.

Trello is perfect for team management with its ‘card’ layout, as you can delegate tasks. As with any GTD tools, not every app works for everyone. It depends on how you like to take notes.

Focus Booster is either a download or online app. It is based on the Pomodoro technique - 25 minutes and then a ‘5’ minute break.

Evernote is another popular GTD app and is one of my favourites that I use on both desktops, mobile and online.

Padlet is something I often use in workshops to gain people’s ideas and brainstorm. You can set the ‘board’ up to be private or public and then share the link for people to add in their own ideas (which can also include images and web links).

I also use for gathering information - usually during meetings, conferences or workshops (great backchannel and an alternative to Twitter).

Cloud Storage

There are a variety of online cloud storage services, such as Podzy, Dropbox, Box and Sugar Sync.  I use Google Drive for collaboration and writing these blog posts and articles for other websites.

Curation Tools (Collect information)

There are some fantastic automatic aggregation tools, which collect articles/blog posts of interest relating to a topic you have set up. would have to be one of the most popular and I can highly recommend Daniel Watson’s Business Improvement Channel.

Paper.Li is another publishing aggregation tool and collects information from Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook - and adds any combination of content sources to create your news site.

Flipboard also does this by creating your own ‘magazines’. This is available via the web app as well as a mobile app (Android and iOS).

Storyify is another great example of ‘curating’ content (just means to collect). As I mentioned before, have a look at these tools and decide which one is best for you. I don’t personally use a RSS Reader (9 suggested readers) to curate blog posts and material, but the blog post mentioned is worth reading if you already enjoy that.

Remembering Information

The most money I spent on my business in the last financial year was on subscription-based software. Increasingly, this is becoming the norm for many companies. This included PicMonkey, Evernote Premium, Piktochart, just to name a few.

Robo Form Everywhere syncs with your desktop and mobile devices for logins and passwords. There are other password options, such as using Evernote to remember your passwords (although you do have to remember the initial Evernote password). Here is a brilliant article describing the best ‘password managers’ and how they work. Some of the most commonly ones mentioned include ‘1Password’ and ‘LastPass’.

Presentation Tools

At some point in your business or life, you might need to give a presentation. My top 3 online presentation tools include Prezi (also includes app), Haiku Deck (online and app) and Nearpod for Business.

Connect with Megan Iemma via her business, TechCoachHQ and on Instagram.