Member Profile: Julia Glass, Owner and Lead Florist Flowers by Julia G

A chance for our community members to share more about themselves and their business with the world.

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Describe your biz in a sentence:
Flowers by Julia G is a boutique florist using the freshest and most colourful in season florals from the flower market to create beautiful creations which will 'wow' you and your loved ones.

Tell us how your business came to be:
I had always wanted to have my own business upon having a child, and always had a love for colour and creativity. My mother had owned a florist at one point, and when I was pregnant my husband encouraged me to study my Certificate III in Floristry. A friend of a friend asked me to create some bouquets for their upcoming wedding, and my business was started from that point!

What has been one of your best business calls/decisions to date?
Taking the plunge and hiring my studio space has given me so many opportunities and so much more space to do my work, liaise with my clients and hold creative workshops.

What does your typical day look like?
Two to three times a week I am out at Flemington bright and early to source fresh flowers, I then take my little one to daycare before bringing all of my flowers back to my Petersham (Sydney) studio, prepping them, then creating either gift bouquet orders or wedding or event floral orders. On wedding days I am ribboning bouquets, delivering florals, and setting up ceremony and reception items. Different flowers are purchased on different days of the week, to allow them to open up just perfectly for your event.

What projects are coming up next?
I have some super fun weddings out of town this year including in the Hunter Valley, South Coast and Kangaroo Valley!

How do you maintain your motivation?
I try to keep balanced by playing netball and attending personal training once per week, I also try to read books when I can, and I find that attending the flower markets regularly and following other amazing florists on social media really helps to inspire me in my work.

What’s your approach on ‘the juggle’?
It's super tough and I think that in order to succeed you need an immense amount of organisation but also you need to accepthelp from others as often as possible.

What do you think is your most transferable skill between motherhood and business?
Definitely the ability to juggle multiple things at once! Also the ability to stay calm under pressure.

How would we find you spending your weekends?
I do a lot of weekend work for my wedding clients, fortunately my husband is super hands on with our daughter, so he takes her when I have events happening.

What does mumbition mean to you? (the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition)
Being able to count on others to help in both your business and home life, making your child/ren proud of you. Doing something you love whilst also being there for your little ones.

If you could be introduced to anyone who would it be?
I've always greatly admired Jacinda Ardern. Politics is a particularly challenging career path, especially for women, and I think she did so amazingly well to create a legacy.

What’s the best part of being part of the Mums & Co community?
I love the event and conference offerings, the opportunity to meet and network with other interesting business owners is key to success.

How has Mums & Co helped you?
I've been able to meet other amazing women in different fields of work.