Member Profile: Christine Matheson Green, Founder/CEO Remember Press/The Power Playbook

Christine Matheson Green, shares her journey in publishing, emphasizing the importance of connection and mentorship. Discover her insights on balancing motherhood and ambition, and how she helps others bring their stories to life.

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You can connect with Christine via the Mums & Co Member platform, website and LinkedIn.

Tell us about you

I've been a teacher, literacy specialist, a chef/owner of 10 successful restaurants, and more recently journalist, newspaper editor in chief, and book writing coach and support. I'm also a grandmother of two exquisite children (and I'm Gigi - gorgeous grandma) and love what I'm doing now: helping people tell their stories, raising mental health for kids, the aged, and so many more.

Describe your biz in a sentence

A publishing revolution that helps anyone write their story and publish their books to share easily and cheaply.

Tell us how your business came to be

I was hired to write a client's dad's memoir, and the process gave Darrell a euphoric final year. I aim to make a difference to Aged Care and anyone who has a book in them.

What has been one of your best business calls/decisions to date?

To go to a conference where the researchers and decision makers for my main market were. Connection is everything.

If you could re-do / change something about your biz - what would it be?

Take what I know now and go back 4 years! Slam dunk!

What does your typical day look like?

Busy, but enjoyable. Challenging, and sometimes fantastic. Getting better every day.

Describe a time when you took a risk - how did it work out for you?

When I began this journey - as a non-tech founder. I have learnt not to believe everything everyone (mostly tech guys) say and now am much more sceptical. Great lesson for life and business.

What’s something raw & unfiltered you’ve been through / never told anyone about your business or motherhood?

Both are really tough. My daughter trying suicide several times, and my constant disappointment with "Tech" guys who lie about their abilities.

Your daily motto?

Slay it! And if I need? Take a break.

What is something about running your business that you wish you had been told sooner?

Not to trust Tech guys!

How do you maintain your motivation?

Because I know it's going to make a huge difference to so many people, and it's a give back, legacy project. I put both parents in a nursing home and they died with all their incredible stories. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. We have the technology, the ability, to change that.

What’s one thing you know that will benefit our audience?

That writing your books and telling your (or a loved one's) stories is easy if you have someone lifting you up and supporting you all the way. Remember Press is that. The publishing revolution.

What are your favourite business tools (and why?)

  1. Canva (Melanie Perkins is my idol and I want her as my mentor);
  2. Zoom - where meetings are easy and
  3. SemblyAI which is the best meeting transcription, summary and key takeaways App there is.

What is one facet of your field that you would like to see changed?

Technology? Ageism. And sexism. It's rife, and stymies women in so many ways. I get sick of pushing back, and working ten times as hard as young guys, simply to get heard. It's ridiculous and frustrating.

What projects are coming up next?

Hmm. good question. My next one is Vocal Moment, another passion project aimed principally at women to train them and teach them to speak up - loudly, clearly and confidently. Martin Luther King nailed it so many years ago - that the problem is the silent majority. Men are given endless support and confidence in themselves, while women, yes, in 2025!!!!!! Still have to kick down doors to be heard. The silence of the few good men, and the terror of the good women. I'm partnering with a dear friend who is a hypnotherapist and she is absolutely on board. We want all good people to speak up!

Has there been a significant business mentor in your career?

Only from afar - Melanie Perkins! Julia Gillard! Kamala Harris. And of course, Sam Kerr. What a sportswoman!  I watch and learn. And determine that somehow I will prevail, and stand on the mountain top not to gloat, but to be an example to all other, younger women, that we all have much to give, achieve, and make a difference.

What’s your approach on ‘the juggle’?

It's hard, but for me, my child and now grandchildren come first. Then it's a no-brainer. I tell all young mothers, you will never regret putting your children first. Trust me.

What would you like to see more of when it comes to helping women in small businesses succeed?

More open minded acceptance of every person - regardless of gender. And men being more vocal, supporting women instead of being defensive. If I see "not all men" again, I will be sick. Better education - for teachers and schools - to level the playing field so girls aren't pushed back - ever! As a female chef/restaurateur, I had staff (often women!) steal and do things they would never dream of to a male boss. So women as well need to be aware of the broad spectrum of cultural conditioning that is part of their development.

How would you describe your family life?

Beautiful. My daughter is amazing and I'm so proud of her, and her two children, Eve, 14, and Ernie, 6 are the loves of my life.

What is one of the most important piece of advice you would give to someone beginning their business? A couple of years into their business?

Depends on the business. But generally? Be aware of your shortcomings, but also don't trust anyone who wants to supplant that. Demand proof first. Do your sums, and make sure the numbers add up. don't just trust an accountant to do that either. It's your business, and the most important part? The P & L! So check every sum, every addition, and every assumption. Because business is nothing but P & L.

What do you think is your most transferable skill between motherhood and business?

Haaa. That's easy! Dealing with people! Learning to take a step back and seeing your challenge/partner/customer/team as your child with issues, their own personality, and their relationship with you. And treating all issues as solvable, with kindness and compassion.

How would we find you spending your weekends?

On the beach with Ernie, or working on something - or working out! Or running on the beach. Or out to lunch with my Stitch friends, or house sitting for my daughter and family while they go camping and I'm having a holiday in her house with the doggies.

What’s your approach to dealing with the pressures of running your business?

Think twice - or three times, and answer once. That's it.

What mantra do you live by?

Life is short - and it may not be always be your decision, but it's your decision how you cope, and prosper. That's my mantra - Move onwards, and roar upwards.

Who do you admire the most?

My daughter - she has dealt with trauma, challenges, children, everything so beautifully and I am always in awe.

I know I'm certainly and probably the oldest member you have, but motherhood doesn't stop when you have babies. It doesn't end until you die. And it has been the best, most challenging and most rewarding part of my life. I'm lucky, blessed and in awe.

What’s the last book you read that you’d recommend to a friend?

Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara - Owner of 11 Madison Park, best restaurant in the world, but best ever - EVER - business book I have read. Applies to any business, anywhere and it's gold!

What does mumbition mean to you? (the unapologetic blending of motherhood and ambition)

Don't apologise - and I get what you're trying to say - and it's a really important message - motherhood should never ever usurp ambition or life! Which is why I'm always pushing for men to take responsibility, to take their share of the work and accept that they are 50% of the mix, and so important for kids - it's not for the women, the mothers, but the children who need them - who need that balance.

If you could be introduced to anyone who would it be?

Melanie Perkins!

Funny situation that happened through your business?

My connections and synchronicity - too many to name here, but needless to say I'm connected to Master Chef judges, George RR Martin (Game of Thrones), etc. etc. It's been a big life and a lot more to come!

What’s the best part of being part of the Mums & Co community?

I love what you're doing - it's important, and women need to know implicitly that motherhood is another opening - to confidence, knowledge, and connections.

How has Mums & Co helped you?

As above - knowledge, connections, support.

Are there any areas you’re seeking help for in your business?

I would love a mentor who's experienced in the start up space, and preferably writing or publishing as well.

What are three things you could help other members with?

  • Mentorship - I have big business experience;
  • Writing - copy writing, book writing, publishing;
  • Start up advice - I have learnt many lessons over the years and would love to save other women from making mistakes from naivety and being too trusting. We judge all people by how we are, and that can be deadly.

Who are the mumbitous business owners you would like to shout out to here?

Mundanara Bayles and Black Card; and Jen Harwood - The Jenerator - I yearn for like minded sponsorships and Mundanara I admire from afar - my best friend from Teachers' College faced huge racism and we were a team! We kicked back.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I just want to make a difference. And don't ever, discount someone based on their age - young or old. We all have a lot to contribute, in so many ways. Allow us!