Member Profile: Belinda Djurasovic, CEO and Founder of Brass Village

Our monthly member profile - a chance for our community members to share more about themselves and their business with the world.

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Describe your biz in a sentence
I empower women with a science meets spirituality holistic approach through transformative processes of clearing limiting beliefs, embracing a powerful mindset, improving wellbeing, and harnessing energetic shifts, which paves the way for lifelong changes.

Tell us how your business came to be:
Reflecting back, I think it came about from a lifetime of overcoming adversity, speaking to as many women as possible to hear their stories (I've always been the office chatterbox), my own spiritual development, and having a strong calling to support other women. I well and truly believe in what I teach, as I followed my intuition and took action on nudges I was receiving – starting the website before I even knew what my program would be, acting/thinking/feeling like a business owner before even having any offerings or programs. I just let it all unfold and grow organically.

Describe a time when you took a risk - how did it work out for you?
Moving interstate after 2 weeks of dating (or re-dating) someone. We had dated for a VERY short period many years earlier.  We have now been together for over 7 years, moved, have a home together and have a beautiful daughter.

Your daily motto?
Every woman should feel like they have a village behind them. This belief keeps me going when I ever have doubts about starting Brass Village. My purpose is to help others and make them feel supported, and I can contribute to that village.

What are three things you need help with at the moment?
1. Becoming visible and connected with people who are my ideal client
2. Knowing what would be valuable to share with those people
3. Technology - How to start with online tools to house short courses, freebies etc that don’t cost the earth/are free.

What’s one thing you know that will benefit our audience? Let them know!
You are not your thoughts; observe them, but don’t let them hold you back. All those fears, judgments, and limiting beliefs women have about themselves can be released, allowing you to evolve into your authentic self.

Tell us about your business in under 30 words?
Brass Village offers coaching, mentoring and programs to transform women from the inside out, unleashing their potential, nurturing personal growth, and igniting a profound drive to take purposeful action in their lives, guided by their own inner flow.

What projects are coming up next?

In 2024 I will be incorporating more intuitive energy work so women can dig deep, heal more and achieve more. I’m also looking at exploring running retreats and offering self-led retreat programs to make them accessible to more women.

How do you maintain your motivation?
I look into my daughters eyes and remember my souls purpose of wanting to help and empower women. I want to leave her a legacy and with the tools to take on the world through being the cycle breaker in my family.

What has been one of your best business calls/decisions to date? 
Just starting and not being too tied down to the 'how's' or worrying if my website isn’t perfect, or if my socials don’t look pretty. Nobody starts off with everything perfect. I’ve stayed in my part-time employment, and that has been really good for my mindset as it’s taken the pressure off while I build my business and its offerings.

What’s your approach on ‘the juggle’?
Releasing any beliefs/energy that don’t serve me and practising mini nervous system work throughout the day. I used to struggle with anxiety and everything always seemed so hectic, busy and harder than it should be. However, now that I stay regulated I can handle the never ending mum jobs, my daughters tantrums, work, running the house etc in flow and ease (most of the time!).

What do you think is your most transferable skill between motherhood and business?
Project Management. Mums are all at the senior level in project management, even with no prior training before becoming a parent!

What mantra do you live by?
What I teach my 4-year-old is that for every perceived problem, there is a solution, another path, or a lesson to take from it. Sometimes, we don’t immediately see this, but the mindset swap will always pay off to help you through a situation.

What’s the last book you read that you’d recommend to a friend?
The Amazon International Best seller I co-authored last year Awakening the Power Within: Inspiring Stories of Transformation & Triumph. I feel like women will relate to the stories within the book. It’s a journey of self-discovery, soul healing, and resilience as brave women share their unique personal transformation they each experienced when they decided to go deep within themselves and harness their power and overcome some of life’s greatest challenges.

What’s a service you can’t live without?
Is my mum a service? She helps with my daughter 3 days per week. She is the best grandmother on the planet, constantly going above and beyond. Having that support means I can work and work on myself.

Who are the Mumbitous business owners you would like to shout out to here?
Fay Chan. I have been doing EFT sessions with Fay and this other level of self discovery and healing means I can give back even more of myself to my family and others. 

What’s the best part of being part of the Mums & Co community?
It’s a group of like minded women who all have the same mindset of wanting to support each other, achieve business success and nurture their families.

How has Mums & Co helped you?
As soon as I joined, I was connected with Fay Chan. It absolutely was divine timing as she was exactly what I needed at that very moment for my business. 

Is there anything else you would like to share?
The first time I attended a meet up I felt so comfortable and the staff from Mums & Co are so genuine – this feeling doesn’t come in every community. I’m loving it already.