
Making Instagram Work For Your Business

We ask Macala Squire all about using Instagram for your business.

4 mins
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Does every business need to be on Instagram?

Well – I think as soon as you say "every business needs to do [whatever]" you're already in trouble! But it's true that Instagram is a beautiful, vibrant platform that's also a brilliant marketing and communication opportunity for any business. We're talking 400 million active monthly users, one of the highest levels of engagement of any social media platform, and over 40 billion photos, and over 2.5 billion new likes every day – that's huge.

As attractive as it is though, you still need to define the purpose of having an Instagram for your business before you begin and set some specific goals. This is pretty standard practice for any kind of marketing, but people tend to skip it, and just do it because someone told them to, without answering those big WHY questions first. Knowing your "why" is important.

How do you know if Instagram is a good fit for your business?

There are two keys to gauging whether Instagram is a good fit. First: is your target market or your target audience there? Is that one of the places they choose to hang out when they're online? You could have the most amazing, active Instagram, but if your people aren't there, you'll be speaking to an empty room! Second: can you tell your business story in a visual way? Many businesspeople think that in order to be on Instagram, they need to have a physical product that they can photograph. Not so: Instagram is all about the stories, and the best business accounts get this and do it – regardless of whether they have a physical product or not.

What types of business do well with Instagram as a focused marketing tool?

If you were to line up all the most successful business Instas, you'd see that they are a diverse bunch! All types of businesses have the potential to do well on Instagram, and I think you nailed the reason why in your question: it's the focus that creates the success.

If you embrace Instagram and commit not just to consistently tell your story in an engaging, visual way, but also to participate in the Instagram community, you will be amazed at the results.

So, you decide to do Instagram - what next? What does a business owner need to think about before posting on Instagram?

I'm a huge believer in asking the right questions before doing anything in business. Before you run off into the big wide world of Instagram, you need to ask and answer some basic questions about your target market, such as who they are, what they want and need, how much money they have to spend on your product or service, and whether they are actually in substantial numbers on Instagram. Then you need to ask some basic questions about what you want from your participation, like why Instagram, as opposed to another platform? What do you want from Instagram: leads, awareness of your business, more fans, or actual sales?

Once you've answered these questions, you create a plan for Instagram, and work it!

Is it something business owners can manage themselves? Or do they need to outsource?

It's definitely something that business owners can manage themselves, as long as they realise the level of commitment it requires, plan for it, and are confident that they've got the time and energy to work the plan. You could, of course, decide that your time and energy are best spent elsewhere on your business, so it's better to outsource. That's fine, but please remember: your branding and voice are sacred! Keep tabs on what the outsourcer is doing, and make sure your Instagram fits seamlessly with your branding and other marketing communications.

What are your top tips for Instagram success?

Three words: plan, plan, plan. Every tip I could give you falls under this category. There are so many wonderful things you can do on Instagram, but unless they're part of a plan that tells you what you're going to do, how, when, and why, it won't do much good. The plan helps keep you on track so you achieve your business goals, provides your audience with irresistible content that they can't wait to see more of, and ultimately, brings the two of you closer together. That's what Instagram is all about!

What should people never do on Instagram? And why…?

Good question! There are several things, but I'll keep it to a key few.

You should never be slapdash. If your Instagram is going to bring you anything, you need focus. Focus on your look, on your content, and how often you post. Slapdash efforts just don't work.

You should never underestimate the power of your bio. Make it cool, make it real, and make sure it has a link that people can tap on to get to your website, sales page, or blog post of the day. Because you can't post hyperlinks on your pictures, your bio will be where prospective customers go next.

You should never post unbranded quotes and other viral material. It's a wasted opportunity.

And of course, you should never violate Instagram's rules. Everyone has a story about "the Facebook account that should have been shut down but wasn't", and they assume that because Facebook owns Instagram it'll be the same. It isn't! The Instagram watchers are on the case, and they don't just remove posts: they can shut down entire accounts for even a single infraction. It's not worth it. Know the rules and abide by them.

How many minutes a day should business owners expect to have to spend on Instagram to get genuine traction?

This is one of those "How long is a piece of string?" questions, but just 30 minutes a day, divided into two 15-minute sessions at different times of the day, will have a huge impact. In that time, you'll post two pictures (although it's even better if you schedule them ahead of time with an app like Later) with a snappy caption and some good hashtags. That doesn't take that long, so what will you be doing with the rest of the time? Being part of the Instagram community, of course! This is the part that people tend to neglect, and it's the one that can have even bigger impact than the pictures you post. Instagram is a strong, loyal, reciprocal community, and taking the time to check out what other people are doing, like, and comment on it, gives you masses of traction.

What are some of the benefits of a strong, smart Instagram presence?

So many benefits! Some of them will depend on what your own goals for Instagram are, but ideally, whether directly or indirectly, your Instagram will build your business. In our Instagram Unplugged course, I warn mums in business about Instagram's that look pretty but go nowhere, or amassing followers who never spend a cent. A strong, smart Instagram presence will make you more money! The other key benefit is that it sets up such a strong connection with you and your audience; this builds trust, and trust strengthens your business both in the present and into the future. We all want our businesses to be around a long time.

Macala Squire is the CEO and Founder of online business school, Business Mamas.