How to Start and Run a Self-Publishing Business

Learn how to start and run a successful self-publishing business, from writing and formatting to marketing and selling your books. Gain full creative control and maximize your earnings as an independent author.

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Starting and running a self-publishing business involves writing, producing, and distributing your books without the involvement of traditional publishing houses. Authors can retain creative control, earn higher royalties, and build a profitable business around their passion for writing by taking control of the entire publishing process. Self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many successful authors earning significant income from their self-published works.

Examples of how to earn money with a self-publishing business include:

  1. Selling ebooks and print books through online retailers like Amazon, Apple iBooks, and Kobo
  2. Offering audiobook versions of your books through platforms like Audible and iTunes
  3. Developing a series or franchise around your self-published works can lead to increased sales and reader loyalty

According to a report by Bowker, the number of self-published titles in the United States has grown by 263% between 2010 and 2020, demonstrating the rising popularity of this business model among authors.

To build a successful self-publishing business, follow these key steps:

  1. Choose your genre and target audience
  2. Research the self-publishing landscape
  3. Format your manuscript
  4. Design a captivating cover
  5. Choose a self-publishing platform
  6. Set your book pricing
  7. Upload your book files
  8. Develop a marketing strategy
  9. Build your author platform
  10. Consider book promotion services (optional)
  11. Track your book sales and performance
  12. Engage with your readers

Statistics show that self-published authors can earn up to 70% royalties on their book sales, compared to the 5-15% typically offered by traditional publishers. The main benefits of starting and running a self-publishing business include creative control, higher income potential, and building a loyal reader base. However, it's essential to be aware of the potential disadvantages, such as the need for upfront investment in editing, design, and marketing and the challenge of standing out in a crowded market.

When running a self-publishing business, choosing the proper business structure is crucial for tax purposes. Standard options include sole proprietorship, partnership, and company (Pty Ltd). Consulting with a tax professional can help you make an informed decision based on your circumstances.

Having mentors and being involved in the self-publishing community can provide valuable guidance, support, and networking opportunities as you start and grow your business. Joining online forums, attending industry events, and connecting with successful self-published authors can help you navigate the challenges and maximise your chances of success.

What is a Self-Publishing Business?

A self-publishing business is a venture in which an author writes, produces, and distributes their books without the involvement of a traditional publishing house. The author takes on the roles of writer, editor, designer, marketer, and publisher, retaining complete control over the creative process and the profits generated from book sales.

The term "self-publishing" gained prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000s with the rise of digital publishing and print-on-demand technology. These advancements made it easier and more affordable for authors to produce and distribute their books without the need for significant upfront investments or inventory.

The primary purpose of self-publishing is to allow authors to bring their work to market on their terms, bypassing the traditional gatekeepers of the publishing industry. This model enables authors to maintain creative control, publish on their timelines, and earn a larger share of the profits from their book sales.

Current trends in self-publishing include the growing popularity of ebooks, the rise of audiobooks, and the increasing use of social media and online platforms for book promotion and reader engagement.

How does a Self-Publishing Business Work?

From a business perspective, a self-publishing business works as follows:

  1. The author writes and edits their book, ensuring it is polished and ready for publication.
  2. The author formats the book for digital and print distribution, often hiring professionals for cover design, interior layout, and editing.
  3. The author creates their account by setting up a self-publishing platform, such as Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Apple iBooks, or IngramSpark.
  4. The author uploads their book files, sets the pricing, and chooses the distribution channels.
  5. The self-publishing platform makes the book available online, and the author earns royalties based on the sales.
  6. The author promotes their book through various marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, and paid advertising, to drive sales and build a reader base.

What are the Skills Required to Start a Self-Publishing Business?

To successfully start a self-publishing business, the following skills are beneficial:

  1. Writing and editing skills to create high-quality, engaging content
  2. Basic formatting and design skills for book layout and cover creation
  3. Marketing and promotion skills to reach potential readers and drive sales
  4. Business and financial management skills to track expenses, royalties, and taxes
  5. Time management and organisational skills to juggle the various tasks involved in self-publishing

While formal courses or certifications are optional to start a self-publishing business, investing in education and training can help authors develop the necessary skills and knowledge to produce professional-quality books and effectively market their work.

Is It Hard to Start a Self-Publishing Business?

Starting a self-publishing business requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn and adapt. While the process is manageable, writing, editing, designing, and promoting your books effectively involves significant time and effort.

Is Starting a Self-Publishing Business Suitable for Mums?

Yes, starting a self-publishing business can be a suitable option for mums looking to turn their passion for writing into a flexible and potentially lucrative venture. The ability to work from home, set your schedule, and build a business around your creative talents makes self-publishing an attractive choice for mums balancing family responsibilities with their entrepreneurial aspirations.

However, it's important to note that self-publishing success requires consistent effort and dedication, particularly in writing, marketing, and reader engagement. Mums should be prepared to carve out dedicated time for their self-publishing business while managing family commitments.

Many successful self-published authors are mums who have built thriving businesses around their writing. For example, Stephanie Bond, a USA Today bestselling author, has published over 100 books in several genres while raising her children. Another example is Australia-based author Bernadette Foley, who has successfully self-published a series of children's books alongside her family responsibilities.

12 Steps on How to Start a Self-Publishing Business

1. Choose Your Genre and Target Audience

Choosing your genre and target audience is the first and most crucial step in starting a self-publishing business. Your genre is the category or type of books you will write, such as romance, mystery, or self-help. Understanding your target audience – the readers most likely to enjoy and purchase your books – is essential for tailoring your content, marketing, and branding efforts.

To choose your genre and target audience, consider the following factors:

  • Your interests, passions, and areas of expertise
  • Current trends and popular genres in the self-publishing market
  • The demographics, interests, and reading preferences of your ideal readers
  • The potential for long-term success and growth within your chosen genre

Conducting market research, analysing bestseller lists, and studying successful authors in your genre can help you make informed decisions about your focus and target audience.

2. Research the Self-Publishing Landscape

Researching the self-publishing landscape is an essential step in starting your business. It involves thoroughly understanding the self-publishing process, platforms, and best practices and staying informed about industry trends and changes.

To research the self-publishing landscape, you can:

  • Study successful self-published authors in your genre and analyse their strategies
  • Read books, blogs, and articles about self-publishing to expand your knowledge
  • Join online communities and forums to connect with other self-published authors and learn from their experiences
  • Attend self-publishing conferences, webinars, or workshops to gain insights and stay up-to-date on industry developments

Staying informed about the self-publishing landscape helps you make strategic decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and position your business for success.

3. Format Your Manuscript

Formatting your manuscript is a critical step in preparing your book for self-publication. It involves ensuring that your book's interior layout is professional, readable, and compatible with the requirements of your chosen distribution platforms.

When formatting your manuscript, consider the following:

  • Choosing the appropriate trim size, margins, and font for your book's genre and target audience
  • Creating a consistent and visually appealing layout, including chapter titles, headers, and page numbers
  • Correctly formatting front matter (e.g., title page, copyright page) and back matter (e.g., author bio, acknowledgments)
  • Ensuring compatibility with ebook and print-on-demand formatting requirements

Many self-publishing authors hire professional formatters or use specialised software to ensure the interior of their books is polished and meets industry standards.

4. Design a Captivating Cover

Designing a captivating cover is essential for attracting potential readers and conveying the quality and content of your book. A well-designed cover can make your book stand out in a crowded market and entice readers to learn more about your work.

When designing your book cover, consider the following:

  • Hiring a professional designer with experience in your genre and target audience
  • Ensuring your cover is visually appealing, eye-catching, and relevant to your book's content
  • Incorporating key elements such as title, author name, and genre-appropriate imagery
  • Creating a cohesive brand identity across your book covers if you plan to publish a series or multiple titles

Many self-publishing platforms offer cover design services or templates, but investing in a custom design can help establish your professional image and attract more readers.

5. Choose a Self-Publishing Platform

Choosing a self-publishing platform is a crucial decision that impacts your book's distribution, royalties, and overall success. Several popular platforms are available, each with features, requirements, and royalty structures.

Some of the most widely used self-publishing platforms include:

  • Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for ebooks and print-on-demand
  • IngramSpark for print-on-demand and broad distribution to online and physical bookstores
  • Apple iBooks for ebook distribution to Apple devices
  • Kobo Writing Life for ebook distribution to Kobo e-readers and apps

When selecting a platform, consider factors such as ease of use, distribution reach, royalty rates, and exclusive or non-exclusive requirements. Many self-published authors use multiple platforms to maximise their book's availability and reach.

6. Set Your Book Pricing

Setting your book pricing is an essential step in launching your self-published book. Pricing your book competitively can help attract readers and generate sales while ensuring you earn a fair profit.

When determining your book pricing, consider the following factors:

  • The length and genre of your book
  • The prices of similar books in your genre and target market
  • Your book's production costs, including editing, design, and formatting
  • The royalty structure of your chosen self-publishing platform(s)
  • Your overall marketing and promotional strategy

Many self-published authors experiment with different price points and promotional strategies, such as offering limited-time discounts or free book promotions, to attract readers and drive sales.

7. Upload Your Book Files

Uploading your book files is the technical process of submitting your formatted manuscript and cover to your chosen self-publishing platform(s). This step typically involves creating an account with the platform, entering your book's metadata (e.g., title, description, keywords), and uploading your interior and cover files.

When uploading your book files, be sure to:

  • Carefully review your formatted manuscript and cover for any errors or inconsistencies
  • Follow the platform's specific requirements for file formats, sizes, and resolutions
  • Double-check your book's metadata for accuracy and completeness
  • Preview your book's interior and cover using the platform's online previewer tools
  • Address any issues or error messages before finalising your book's publication

Properly uploading your book files ensures a smooth publication process and a professional-quality final product for your readers.

8. Develop a Marketing Strategy

Developing a marketing strategy is crucial for promoting your self-published book and reaching potential readers. A well-planned marketing strategy can help you build awareness, generate buzz, and drive sales for your book.

Critical components of a self-publishing marketing strategy may include:

  • Identifying your target audience and understanding their preferences and behaviours
  • Developing a solid author brand and online presence through a website, blog, and social media profiles
  • Utilising book promotion sites, email marketing, and paid advertising to reach new readers
  • Engaging with book bloggers, reviewers, and influencers to gain exposure and credibility
  • Participating in online communities, forums, and events related to your genre and target audience

Continuously refining and adapting your marketing strategy based on performance data and reader feedback can help maximise your book's visibility and sales over time.

9. Build Your Author Platform

Building your author platform is an ongoing process of establishing your presence, reputation, and relationship with your target audience. A robust author platform can help you attract readers, build loyalty, and create opportunities for long-term success in your self-publishing business.

To build your author platform, focus on:

  • Creating a professional author website that showcases your books, bio, and contact information
  • Developing a consistent brand identity across your online presence, including social media profiles and email newsletters
  • Regularly engaging with your readers through blog posts, social media updates, and email communications.
  • Participating in online and offline events, such as book signings, conferences, and workshops
  • Collaborating with other authors, bloggers, and influencers in your genre or niche

Investing time and effort into building your author platform can help you establish a strong foundation for your self-publishing business and create a dedicated fan base for your work.

10. Consider Book Promotion Services (Optional)

Considering book promotion services is an optional but valuable step in marketing your self-published book. These services can help you reach a wider audience, generate reviews, and boost your book's visibility and sales.

Some popular book promotion services include:

  • BookBub, which offers targeted email promotions to millions of readers
  • NetGalley, which provides advance review copies to professional readers and influencers
  • Goodreads, which allows you to connect with readers, run giveaways, and advertise your book
  • Paid book promotion sites, such as Bargain Booksy or Freebooksy, which feature discounted or free books to their subscriber lists

Research their reputation, effectiveness, and pricing when considering book promotion services to ensure they align with your marketing goals and budget. Tracking your results and return on investment can help you make informed decisions about future promotional efforts.

11. Track Your Book Sales and Performance

Tracking your book sales and performance is essential for understanding your self-publishing business's growth, identifying areas for improvement, and making data-driven decisions. Regularly monitoring your sales data, reader reviews, and marketing metrics can help you optimise your strategies and maximise your success.

To track your book sales and performance, utilise tools such as:

  • Your self-publishing platform's sales dashboard and reporting features
  • Amazon's Author Central, which provides sales data and reader insights for books sold on Amazon
  • Third-party sales tracking tools, such as Book Report or PublishWide
  • Analytics tools for your author website, email marketing, and social media profiles

Analysing your data over time can help you identify trends, evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, and adjust your pricing, promotion, and content strategies accordingly.

12. Engage With Your Readers

Engaging with your readers is crucial to building a loyal fan base and ensuring the long-term success of your self-publishing business. Building relationships with your readers can help you gather valuable feedback, generate word-of-mouth buzz, and create a community around your work.

To engage with your readers, consider:

  • Responding to reader reviews and comments on your book's sales pages and social media profiles
  • Offering exclusive content, such as bonus chapters or behind-the-scenes insights, to your email subscribers
  • Hosting Q&A sessions, webinars, or live events to connect with your readers directly
  • Running contests, giveaways, or reader polls to encourage interaction and gather feedback
  • Featuring reader-generated content, such as fan art or testimonials, on your author's website or social media

You can build a dedicated fan base that will support your self-publishing business for years by consistently engaging with your readers and fostering a sense of connection.

What are the Different Types of Self-Publishing Businesses?

There are several types of self-publishing businesses, each with its focus and approach. The most common types include:

  1. Fiction Self-Publishing: Authors who write and self-publish novels, short stories, or series in various genres, such as romance, mystery, science fiction, or fantasy.
  2. Non-Fiction Self-Publishing: Authors who write and self-publish informational, educational, or self-help books on business, health, personal development, or memoir.
  3. Children's Book Self-Publishing: Authors who create and self-publish picture books for young audiences, early readers, or middle-grade novels.

For example, a fiction self-publishing business might focus on writing and marketing a series of mystery novels. In contrast, a non-fiction self-publishing business could specialise in creating and promoting self-help books on subjects such as personal finance and investing.

What are the Requirements to Start a Successful Self-Publishing Business?

To start a successful self-publishing business, you'll need:

  1. A well-written, edited, and formatted book that meets the standards of your genre and target audience
  2. A professional book cover design that attracts readers and communicates your book's content and quality
  3. A well-researched and effective marketing strategy to promote your book and reach potential readers
  4. An understanding of self-publishing, including platform selection, pricing, and distribution. Knowledge of various self-publishing platforms helps you choose the best one for your book. Pricing competitively while maximising profit is crucial. Understanding distribution, including print-on-demand and eBook formats, ensures wide reach.
  5. A robust author platform, including a professional website, social media presence, and email list, to engage with your readers and build a loyal fan base. Engage consistently, provide valuable content, and create a community. An email list is vital for direct communication, informing readers about new releases, offers, and events, fostering loyalty and sustained interest.
  6. A commitment to continuous learning, adaptation, and improvement in response to industry changes, reader feedback, and performance data

While no formal qualifications are required, investing in education, skill development, and professional services (e.g., editing, design) can significantly improve your chances of success in the competitive self-publishing market.

How Much Do You Need to Start a Self-Publishing Business?

The cost of starting a self-publishing business can vary widely depending on factors such as the length and complexity of your book, the level of professional services you invest in, and your marketing budget. On average, you can expect to spend between $500 to $5,000 to launch a self-published book.

This estimate typically includes:

  • Professional editing and proofreading services
  • Custom cover design and interior formatting
  • ISBN purchase and copyright registration
  • Self-publishing platform fees (if applicable)
  • Initial marketing and promotion expenses

Many self-publishing authors start with a modest budget and reinvest their profits into additional professional services and marketing efforts as their business grows.

What are the Main Challenges of Starting a Self-Publishing Business?

Starting a self-publishing business has several challenges that authors must navigate to succeed. Some of the main challenges include:

  1. Writing and Editing: Producing a high-quality book that engages readers and meets the standards of your genre and target audience requires significant time, effort, and skill. Investing in professional editing and proofreading services can help ensure your book is polished and competitive.
  2. Marketing and Promotion: Standing out in a crowded market and reaching potential readers can take much work, particularly for new authors. Developing an effective marketing strategy, building an author platform, and consistently promoting your book is essential for generating sales and building a loyal readership.
  3. Technology and Formatting: Navigating the technical aspects of self-publishing, such as formatting your book for different platforms and managing your online presence, can be challenging for authors who need to be tech-savvy. Investing in education, tools, or professional services can help streamline these processes.
  4. Financial Management: Balancing the costs of production, marketing, and platform fees with your book's sales and royalties requires careful budgeting and financial planning. Tracking your expenses, revenue, and return on investment is crucial for making informed decisions and ensuring the profitability of your self-publishing business.
  5. Adapting to Industry Changes: The self-publishing industry is constantly evolving, with new platforms, marketing strategies, and reader preferences emerging over time. Staying informed about industry trends, experimenting with new tactics, and adapting your approach is essential for long-term success in this dynamic market.

What is Required to Start a Self-Publishing Business?

To start a self-publishing business, you'll need the following:

  1. A completed, edited, and formatted manuscript that meets the quality standards of your genre and target audience
  2. A professional book cover design that attracts readers and communicates your book's content and genre
  3. An understanding of the self-publishing process, including platform selection, pricing, and distribution options
  4. A well-developed marketing strategy to promote your book and reach potential readers
  5. An author platform, including a website, social media presence, and email list, to engage with your audience and build a loyal fan base
  6. Essential business and financial management skills to track your expenses, revenue, and taxes

While no formal education or certifications are required, investing in learning resources, professional development, and networking can significantly improve your chances of success in the competitive self-publishing market.

What is the Best Business Structure for a Self-Publishing Business?

Choosing the best business structure for your self-publishing business is an important decision that impacts your legal obligations, tax liabilities, and personal liability protection. In Australia, the most common business structures for self-publishing businesses are:

  1. Sole Trader: A simple structure where you operate individually, with no separate legal entity for your business. This structure offers minimal setup costs and straightforward tax reporting but provides no personal liability protection.
  2. Partnership: A structure where two or more individuals share ownership and responsibility for the business. Profits and losses are divided among the partners, who are personally liable for the business's debts and obligations.
  3. Company (Pty Ltd): A separate legal entity owned by shareholders, offering limited liability protection and potential tax advantages. This structure involves higher setup and ongoing costs but can benefit larger or higher-risk self-publishing businesses.

For many self-publishing authors, operating as a sole trader is a suitable choice, particularly when starting. However, transitioning to a company structure may offer better protection and tax benefits as your business grows and your risk exposure increases.

How Much Tax Does a Self-Publishing Business Owner Pay in Australia?

The amount of tax a self-publishing business owner pays in Australia depends on their business structure and taxable income. For example:

  • Sole traders are taxed as individuals, with tax rates ranging from 0% to 45% (for the 2021-2022 financial year) based on their taxable income.
  • Partnerships are not taxed separately, but each partner pays tax on their share of the partnership income at their tax rates.
  • Companies pay a flat corporate tax rate of 26% (for the 2021-2022 financial year) on their taxable income, with additional tax obligations for shareholders who receive dividends.

Self-publishing business owners may also be liable for Goods and Services Tax (GST) if their annual turnover exceeds $75,000.

It's crucial to keep accurate records, understand your tax obligations, and seek advice from a qualified tax professional to ensure compliance and maximise deductions.

What are the tips for becoming successful in self-publishing?

To become successful in your self-publishing business, consider the following tips:

  1. Write high-quality books that meet the expectations of your genre and target audience
  2. Invest in professional editing, cover design, and formatting to ensure your books are competitive and appealing to readers.
  3. Develop a strong author brand and platform, including a professional website, social media presence, and email list.
  4. Implement a well-researched and diverse marketing strategy to reach potential readers and drive book sales.
  5. Continuously engage with your audience through regular content, interactions, and promotions to build a loyal fan base.
  6. Stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and emerging opportunities in the self-publishing market.
  7. Track your sales, reader feedback, and marketing performance to make data-driven decisions and optimise your strategies
  8. Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace continuous learning and skill development to adapt to the evolving self-publishing landscape.
  9. Network with other self-published authors, industry professionals, and service providers to expand your knowledge, resources, and opportunities
  10. Treat your self-publishing endeavour as a business focusing on professionalism, quality, and long-term sustainability.

Is Networking Important for Self-Publishing Business Owners?

Yes, networking is crucial for self-publishing business owners. Building relationships with other authors, industry professionals, and service providers can offer numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Learning from the experiences, insights, and best practices of successful self-published authors
  2. Discovering new marketing strategies, promotional opportunities, and tools to reach readers and drive book sales
  3. Connecting with potential collaborators, such as co-authors, marketers, or publicists, to expand your reach and impact
  4. Gaining access to exclusive resources, discounts, or partnerships through industry connections and referrals
  5. Finding support, motivation, and accountability from a community of like-minded entrepreneurs facing similar challenges and goals

Participating in online forums, social media groups, and author organisations, as well as attending conferences, workshops, and networking events, can help you build valuable connections and grow your self-publishing business.

What are the Main Benefits of Starting a Self-Publishing Business?

The main benefits of starting a self-publishing business include:

  1. Creative Control: As a self-published author, you have complete control over the content, style, and direction of your books, allowing you to write the stories you want to tell without the constraints of traditional publishing.
  2. Faster Time to Market: Self-publishing enables you to bring your books to readers much faster than traditional publishing, which can take months or even years from manuscript submission to publication.
  3. Higher Royalties: Self-published authors typically earn higher royalties per book sold than traditionally published authors, as they don't have to share profits with a publishing house.
  4. Flexibility and Autonomy: Self-publishing allows you to work on your schedule, make business decisions, and adapt your strategies based on your goals and market conditions.
  5. Long-Term Income Potential: By building a catalogue of quality books and a loyal reader base, self-published authors can generate passive income from their backlist titles for years to come.

For example, a 2020 survey by Written Word Media found that 65% of self-published authors earn $1,000 or more per year from their book sales, with 32% earning $5,000 or more. These figures demonstrate the potential for self-publishing businesses to generate significant income over time.

What are the Disadvantages of a Self-Publishing Business?

While self-publishing offers many benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  1. Upfront Costs: Self-published authors are responsible for all the costs of producing and marketing their books, including editing, cover design, formatting, and promotional expenses.
  2. Lack of Traditional Support: Self-published authors need access to the editorial, design, and marketing resources provided by traditional publishing houses, making it more challenging to produce high-quality books and reach a broad audience.
  3. Stigma and Credibility: Despite the growing acceptance of self-publishing, some readers and industry professionals still perceive self-published books as lower quality or less credible than traditionally published titles.
  4. Increased Competition: The ease and accessibility of self-publishing have led to a saturated market, making it more difficult for individual authors to stand out and attract readers.
  5. Marketing and Promotion Challenges: Self-published authors must invest significant time and effort into marketing and promoting their books, which can be challenging for those not experienced in these areas or with limited resources.

Understanding and preparing for these disadvantages can help you develop strategies to overcome them and build a successful self-publishing business.

Who Can Help Starting a Successful Self-Publishing Business?

Starting a successful self-publishing business can be challenging, but several professionals and resources can provide valuable assistance, including:

  1. Professional Editors: Working with experienced editors can help you refine your manuscript, improve your writing skills, and ensure your book meets the quality standards of your genre and target audience.
  2. Cover Designers: Professional cover designers can create eye-catching, genre-appropriate covers that attract readers and communicate the quality of your book.
  3. Formatters: Skilled formatters can ensure your book's interior layout is professional, readable, and compatible with the requirements of various self-publishing platforms and distribution channels.
  4. Author Coaches and Mentors: Experienced self-published authors who offer coaching or mentoring services can provide guidance, accountability, and support as you navigate the challenges of building your self-publishing business.
  5. Marketing and Publicity Services: Specialised marketing agencies, publicists, and promotional services can help you develop and execute effective strategies to reach readers, generate buzz, and drive book sales.
  6. Online Courses and Resources: Investing in educational resources, such as online courses, webinars, and guides, can help you develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the self-publishing industry.

Statistics show that self-published authors who invest in professional services and educational resources have a higher success rate and earn more income from their books. For example, a 2018 Alliance of Independent Authors survey found that self-published authors who invested in professional editing, cover design, and marketing earned 34% more than those who did not.

Seeking help from experienced professionals and leveraging the wealth of educational resources available can significantly improve your chances of success and help you build a thriving self-publishing business.