How to Start an Online Course Business

Starting an online course business involves creating and selling educational content via the Internet. It's a way to monetise your expertise by teaching others, offering flexible learning options, and leveraging various monetisation strategies like one-time sales or subscriptions.

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An online course business involves creating and selling educational content delivered via the Internet. It's a way to monetise your expertise by teaching others the skills and knowledge you've acquired. Starting an online course business allows you to make money by sharing your passion and helping others learn and grow.

There are several ways to earn money with online courses:

  1. One-time course sales: Charge a single fee for lifetime access to your course content.
  2. Recurring subscriptions: Offer ongoing access to your course material for a monthly or annual fee.
  3. Course bundles: Package multiple courses together at a discounted price.
  4. Affiliate marketing: Promote other people's courses and earn a commission on sales.
  5. Coaching and consulting: Offer personalised support and guidance to complement your course material.

The e-learning industry has been increasing in recent years. According to a report by Global Market Insights, the global e-learning market is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate of 21% from 2020 to 2027. This growth is driven by the increasing demand for flexible learning options, the rise of remote work, and technological advancements.

To build a successful online course business, follow these key steps:

  1. Choose a profitable niche and topic
  2. Validate your course idea with market research
  3. Plan your course content and structure
  4. Develop high-quality, engaging course material
  5. Choose a platform to host and deliver your course
  6. Price your course competitively
  7. Launch and market your course to your target audience
  8. Provide excellent customer support and gather student feedback
  9. Continuously improve and expand your course offerings

The main benefits of starting an online course business include the ability to:

  • Monetise your skills and knowledge
  • Help others learn and achieve their goals
  • Work flexibly from anywhere with an internet connection
  • Scale your business and impact
  • Generate passive income

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as:

  • The upfront time and effort required to create a course
  • The challenges of standing out in a competitive market
  • The need for ongoing marketing and customer support

Choosing the proper business structure is essential for tax purposes. Standard options for online course businesses include sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, and corporation. Factors to consider include liability protection, tax obligations, and reporting requirements. Consulting with an accountant or lawyer can help you make the best choice for your situation.

Having mentors and being part of a community can be invaluable for starting and growing an online course business. Mentors who successfully launch their courses can provide guidance, feedback, and accountability. Joining online communities of course creators can offer support, inspiration, collaboration opportunities, and insider tips to help you avoid common mistakes and succeed faster.

What is an Online Course Business?

An online course business involves creating, marketing, and selling educational content delivered via the Internet. It allows individuals to monetise their skills, knowledge, and experience by teaching others through pre-recorded video lessons, written materials, quizzes, and assignments.

In recent years, online courses have become increasingly popular as a flexible and accessible way for people to learn new skills and advance their careers. They cover various topics, from business and marketing to personal development arts and crafts.

According to a report by Research and Markets, the global online education market is projected to reach $350 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 8.56% from 2020 to 2025. This growth is driven by the increasing adoption of smartphones and mobile devices, the rising demand for personalised learning, and the need for upskilling and reskilling in the workforce.

Many people are starting online course businesses to take advantage of this growing trend and create a profitable, location-independent business. Some of the main reasons include:

  • Leveraging expertise in a large-scale
  • Generating passive income by creating one and selling many
  • Helping create a more significant impact with a broad audience
  • Enjoying the flexibility and convenience of working from home
  • Getting more ease in scaling a business without huge overheads

How does Online Course Business work?

From a business perspective, an online course business typically involves the following key components:

  1. Course creation: Developing educational content through video lessons, written materials, quizzes, and assignments. This may involve outlining a curriculum, scripting and recording lessons, designing slides and graphics, and creating supplementary resources.
  2. Platform selection: Choosing a platform to host and deliver the course content to students. This could be a self-hosted website, a learning management system (LMS) like Thinkific or Teachable, or an online courses marketplace like Udemy or Skillshare.
  3. Marketing and sales: Promoting the course to the target audience through various channels such as social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and partnerships. This may involve creating a sales page, writing compelling copy, offering promotions and discounts, and nurturing leads through a funnel.
  4. Student engagement: Delivering the course content to enrolled students and providing support and engagement to facilitate their learning experience. This could include hosting live Q&A sessions, moderating discussion forums, providing assignment feedback, and offering email or one-on-one support.
  5. Retention and expansion: Encouraging students to complete the course, leave reviews, and purchase additional courses or upsells. This may involve creating a sense of community, offering incentives and rewards, gathering testimonials, and continuously improving and updating the course based on feedback.

Online course businesses generate revenue through pricing models such as one-time purchases, payment plans, subscriptions, and lifetime access. The profit potential depends on factors such as the price point, the size of the target market, marketing effectiveness, and the course delivery's scalability.

What are the skills required to start an Online Course Business?

To successfully start and run an online course business, the following skills are essential:

  • Expertise in the course topic
  • Instructional design and teaching skills
  • Content creation skills (e.g., video editing, graphic design, copywriting)
  • Marketing and sales skills
  • Business and project management skills
  • Tech savvy and basic web design skills
  • Customer service and community management skills
  • Time management and organisation skills

It's a diverse skill set that requires a combination of subject matter expertise, creativity, technical proficiency, and business acumen. However, many of these skills can be learned or outsourced as needed.

Starting an online course business can be challenging, especially for mums juggling family responsibilities. Planning, creating, and launching a course requires time and effort. However, once the course is up and running, it can offer a flexible and rewarding way to generate income while making a meaningful impact.

Is It hard to start an Online Course Business?

Starting an online course business requires hard work and dedication, but it is achievable for anyone with the right mindset, skills, and resources. The difficulty level depends on factors such as the complexity of the topic, the amount of competition in the market, the quality of the course content, and the effectiveness of the marketing strategy.

Some of the challenges of starting an online course business include:

  • Validating the demand for the course topic and niche
  • Creating compelling and engaging course content
  • Overcoming the technical learning curve of course creation and website setup
  • Standing out in a crowded market and attracting paying students
  • Balancing course creation with marketing, sales, and customer support

However, with careful planning, execution, and perseverance, these challenges can be overcome. Many successful online course creators started with no prior experience and learned the necessary skills along the way.

Is starting an Online Course Business suitable for mums?

Starting an online course business can be an excellent option for mums balancing family responsibilities with entrepreneurship. Some of the benefits include:

  • Flexibility to work from home and set your schedule
  • Ability to leverage existing skills and knowledge
  • Potential to generate passive income and create financial freedom
  • Opportunity to make a meaningful impact by helping others learn and grow

However, realistic expectations about the time and effort required to build a successful online course business are essential. Creating a course can take several months of full-time work, and ongoing marketing and customer support require consistent effort.

Mums who succeed with online courses often have a robust support system, excellent time management skills, and a willingness to invest in their education and growth. They also focus on creating a course that aligns with their passions and expertise and serves a specific target audience.

Examples of successful Australian mum course creators include:

  • Jade McKenzie – Founder of Event Head, Jade offers courses and coaching for female entrepreneurs on event planning, business strategy, and personal development.
  • Kate Toon – An SEO expert who provides online courses on SEO, copywriting, and digital marketing for small business owners and entrepreneurs.
  • Nicola Moras – A social media strategist who teaches courses on using social media to grow a business, with a focus on authenticity and engagement.

These Australian mums have built thriving online course businesses by sharing their knowledge and experience, engaging with their audience, and continuously improving their offerings.

15 Steps on How to Start an Online Course Business

Starting an online course business involves several key steps:

1. Identify your expertise

Identifying your expertise means choosing a topic or niche for your online course based on your skills, knowledge, and experience. Choosing a subject you are passionate about is essential and that aligns with your strengths and credibility.

Your course topic should be specific enough to attract a targeted audience but broad enough to cover sufficient material. It should also be in demand and solve your potential students' real problems or needs.

2. Validate market demand

Validating market demand means confirming enough interest and willingness to pay for your course topic before investing time and resources into creating it. This step is crucial to avoid making a course that no one wants to buy.

Some ways to validate market demand include:

  • Conducting keyword research to see what people are searching for
  • Analysing competitors to see what courses are already available and selling well
  • Surveying your target audience to gauge their interest and preferences
  • Preselling your course idea to a small group of beta students

3. Craft a compelling course title & description

A compelling course title and description are essential for attracting and converting potential students. Your course title should be clear, specific, and benefit-driven, while your description should highlight the key learning outcomes and transformations that students will experience.

Some tips for creating a compelling course title and description:

  • Use powerful words and phrases that evoke emotion and action
  • Emphasise the benefits and results rather than just the features
  • Include social proof such as testimonials or credentials
  • Create a sense of urgency or scarcity
  • Use formatting such as bullet points and headings to make it easy to read

4. Outline your course structure

Outlining your course structure means planning your course content's curriculum and flow. This step helps ensure that your course is comprehensive, logical, and engaging for students.

A typical course outline includes:

  • An introduction module that sets expectations and goals
  • Several core modules that cover the main topics and lessons
  • A conclusion module that summarises crucial takeaways and next steps
  • Supplementary resources such as worksheets, checklists, and templates

When outlining your course, consider factors such as:

  • The total length and duration of the course
  • The balance of video, audio, and written content
  • The inclusion of quizzes, assignments, and activities
  • The progression from basics to more advanced concepts

5. Choose a platform

Choosing a platform means selecting the software or technology you will use to host and deliver your online course. The right platform depends on your budget, technical skills, desired features, and scalability.

Some popular online course platforms include:

  • Thinkific
  • Teachable
  • Kajabi
  • Podia
  • Udemy
  • Skillshare

When choosing a platform, consider factors such as:

  • Ease of use and setup
  • Customisation and branding options
  • Marketing and sales features
  • Payment processing and payout schedule
  • Student engagement and communication tools
  • Pricing and transaction fees

6. Develop high-quality content

Developing high-quality content is the most critical and time-consuming step in creating an online course. Your content should be informative, engaging, and transformative for students.

Some critical elements of effective course content include:

  • Clear and concise learning objectives for each module and lesson
  • A mix of video, audio, written, and interactive content to cater to different learning styles
  • Examples, case studies, and stories to illustrate concepts and make them relatable
  • Quizzes, assignments, and activities to reinforce learning and engagement
  • Supplementary resources and downloads to enhance the learning experience

When developing your content, aim to:

  • Break down complex topics into digestible chunks
  • Use visuals, graphics, and multimedia to make content more engaging
  • Provide practical and actionable advice that students can implement
  • Include captions, transcripts, and alternate formats for accessibility
  • Edit and proofread thoroughly for clarity, accuracy, and professionalism

7. Set a competitive price

Setting a competitive price means determining how much to charge for your online course based on factors such as its value, the length and depth of the content, the credentials of the instructor, and the prices of similar classes in the market.

Some common pricing strategies for online courses include:

  • Premium pricing: Charging a high price for a comprehensive, high-value course
  • Tiered pricing: Offering different price points for varying levels of access or content
  • Subscription pricing: Charging a recurring fee for ongoing access to course content and updates
  • Payment plans: Allowing students to pay in installments over time
  • Free trials or samples: Offering a portion of the course for free to attract students and demonstrate value

When setting your price, consider factors such as:

  • The time and resources invested in creating the course
  • The transformation and results that students can expect to achieve
  • The ongoing support and updates provided to students
  • The target audience and their willingness and ability to pay
  • The positioning and branding of the course in the market

8. Build your marketing funnel

Building your marketing funnel means creating a system for attracting, nurturing, and converting potential students into paying customers. A typical funnel includes awareness, interest, desire, and action.

Some critical components of an effective marketing funnel for online courses include:

  • A lead magnet or freebie that provides value and captures email addresses
  • An email sequence that builds trust establishes authority and promotes the course
  • A sales page that communicates the benefits and features of the course and handles objections
  • A checkout process that is simple, secure, and optimised for conversions
  • A thank you page and onboarding sequence that welcomes new students and sets expectations

When building your marketing funnel, aim to:

  • Identify your target audience and their pain points, goals, and preferences
  • Create compelling and consistent messaging across all touchpoints
  • Use a mix of organic and paid traffic sources to attract leads
  • Segment and personalise your communication based on lead behaviour and interests
  • Test and optimise your funnel elements for maximum conversions

9. Launch your course

Launching your course means making it available for purchase and enrollment to your target audience. A successful launch requires careful planning, coordination, and execution.

Some critical steps in launching an online course include:

  • Setting a launch date and timeline
  • Creating buzz and anticipation through social media, email, and partnerships
  • Offering early bird or limited-time bonuses to encourage fast action
  • Hosting a webinar, challenge, or live event to engage and convert leads
  • Providing excellent customer support and onboarding for new students
  • Celebrating and thanking students for their enrollment and trust

When launching your course, aim to:

  • Generate urgency and scarcity through deadlines and limited spots
  • Leverage social proof and testimonials from beta testers or previous students
  • Make the enrollment process as smooth and frictionless as possible
  • Overdeliver on value and support to create a positive first impression
  • Learn and adapt based on feedback and results from the launch

10. Promote your course

Promoting your course means getting it to the right people through various marketing channels and strategies. Effective promotion requires a mix of organic and paid efforts to reach and convert your target audience.

Some key ways to promote an online course include:

  • Search engine optimisation (SEO) to rank for relevant keywords and attract organic traffic
  • Content marketing, such as blogging, podcasting, or video creation to provide value and build authority
  • Social media marketing to engage and attract followers on platforms where your audience hangs out
  • Email marketing to nurture and convert subscribers into students
  • Paid advertising, such as social media ads, search engine ads, or sponsored content to reach new audiences
  • Partnerships and affiliates to tap into other people's audiences and networks
  • Public relations and media coverage to gain exposure and credibility

When promoting your course, aim to:

  • Focus on the benefits and transformation rather than just the features and content
  • Tailor your messaging and approach to the specific channel and audience
  • Provide value and build trust before making a direct pitch or offer
  • Use scarcity, urgency, and social proof to motivate action
  • Track and measure your results to optimise your efforts and ROI

12. Offer excellent customer support

Offering excellent customer support means being responsive, helpful, and proactive in assisting your students throughout their learning journey. This step is crucial for ensuring student satisfaction, engagement, and success.

Providing excellent customer support is extremely important for online course businesses because it:

  • Helps students overcome challenges and barriers to learning
  • Increases course completion and success rates
  • Reduces refund requests and chargebacks
  • Generates positive reviews and word-of-mouth referrals
  • Builds trust and loyalty with students for future courses or offerings

To offer excellent customer support, consider the following tips:

  • Provide multiple channels for support, such as email, phone, live chat, or forums
  • Set clear expectations and guidelines for response times and availability
  • Use a ticketing or helpdesk system to track and manage inquiries efficiently
  • Create a comprehensive FAQ or knowledge base to address common questions or issues
  • Offer personalised support and guidance based on individual student needs and progress
  • Follow up with students proactively to check in on their experience and offer assistance
  • Train and empower a team of support staff or virtual assistants as your business grows

13. Gather student feedback

Gathering student feedback means actively seeking and collecting input and opinions from your students about their experience with your online course. This step is essential for understanding what's working well and what needs improvement in your course.

Gathering student feedback is very important because it allows you to:

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in your course content, delivery, and support
  • Make data-driven decisions for course updates and improvements
  • Show students that you value their opinions and are committed to their success
  • Gather testimonials and social proof for marketing and promotion
  • Identify opportunities for new courses or offerings based on student needs and interests

To gather student feedback effectively, consider the following methods:

  • Surveys and questionnaires at different points in the course (e.g., post-module, mid-course, post-course)
  • One-on-one interviews or focus groups with selected students
  • Open-ended feedback forms or comment boxes within the course platform
  • Social media polls or discussions in your course community
  • Analysis of student behaviour and engagement data from your course platform
  • Offering incentives or rewards for providing feedback (e.g., gift cards, exclusive content)

When gathering feedback, aim to:

  • Ask specific and actionable questions that yield insights you can use
  • Use a mix of quantitative (e.g., ratings) and qualitative (e.g., comments) feedback
  • Segment feedback by student demographics, progress, or outcomes for deeper insights
  • Respond to and act on feedback in a timely and transparent manner
  • Close the loop by communicating updates and improvements based on student feedback

14. Bundle or expand your course library

Bundling or expanding your course library means offering additional courses or resources to complement and enhance the value of your main course. This step can help you increase student lifetime value, retention, and revenue for your online course business.

Expanding your course offerings is essential because it allows you to:

  • Provide more comprehensive and specialised education in your niche
  • Appeal to different segments or levels of your target audience
  • Create upsell or cross-sell opportunities for existing students
  • Establish yourself as a leading authority and resource in your industry
  • Diversify your revenue streams and protect against market saturation or competition

To bundle or expand your course library effectively, consider the following strategies:

  • Create complementary courses that build on or deepen the skills and knowledge from your main course
  • Offer different formats or lengths of courses to suit different learning preferences and needs (e.g., mini-courses, live streams, evergreen)
  • Package related courses together as a bundle or collection at a discounted price
  • Provide exclusive or limited-time bonus content or resources to incentivise enrollment or completion
  • Partner with other experts or instructors to create co-branded or affiliate courses in related topics
  • Continuously update and improve your existing courses based on student feedback and industry trends

15. Engage with your student community

Engaging with your student community means fostering a sense of belonging, support, and interaction among your students outside of the core course content. This step can help you increase student satisfaction, completion, and advocacy for your online course business.

Building an engaged student community is very important because it:

  • Provides a space for students to connect, collaborate, and learn from each other
  • Increases accountability and motivation for students to progress through the course
  • Allows students to get feedback, support, and inspiration from their peers
  • Generates user-generated content and social proof that can attract new students
  • It gives you valuable insights and ideas for course improvements and new offerings

To engage with your student community effectively, consider the following ideas:

  • Create a private group or forum for your students on platforms like Facebook, Slack, or Circle
  • Host regular live Q&A sessions, office hours, or workshops for students to interact with you and each other
  • Facilitate discussions, challenges, or mastermind groups around specific course topics or goals
  • Feature student success stories, projects, or contributions in your course content or marketing
  • Organise virtual or in-person events, meetups, or retreats for students to network and connect
  • Encourage students to share their progress, insights, or questions using course-specific hashtags or tags
  • Recognise and reward top students or community members with shoutouts, badges, or prizes

What are the most successful types of Online Course Business?

The most successful and profitable types of online course businesses tend to fall into the following niches:

  1. Personal development: Courses on productivity, mindset, goal-setting, habits, and self-care.

Example: A course on "Mastering Your Morning Routine" that teaches students how to create an energising and focused morning ritual for success.

  1. Career and business: Courses on entrepreneurship, marketing, sales, leadership, and specific industry skills.

Example: A course on "Launch Your Freelance Writing Business" that guides students through finding clients, pricing their services, and delivering quality work.

  1. Health and wellness: Courses on nutrition, fitness, mental health, and alternative medicine.

Example: A course on "Yoga for Beginners" that provides step-by-step instruction and modifications for common yoga poses and sequences.

Other profitable niches include:

  • Arts and crafts
  • Technology and programming
  • Personal finance and investing
  • Parenting and relationships
  • Foreign languages

The key to success in any niche is identifying a specific target audience, problem, or outcome and creating a unique and compelling course that delivers student results and value.

What are the Requirements to Create a Successful Online Course Business?

To create a successful online course business, the main requirements are:

  1. Expertise and credibility in your chosen topic or niche are often demonstrated through formal education, professional experience, or personal accomplishments.
  2. Ability to create high-quality, engaging, and transformative course content that meets the needs and expectations of your target students.
  3. Marketing and sales skills to attract, convert, and retain paying students for your course, often through organic and paid strategies.
  4. Technical and logistical setup, including a course hosting platform, payment processor, email service provider, and customer support system.
  5. Entrepreneurial mindset and work ethic to consistently show up, pivot, and improve in response to feedback, challenges, and opportunities.

The most successful online course creators often have a deep passion and unique perspective on their topic and a genuine desire to help and serve their students. They invest time and resources into continuous learning, testing, and iteration to refine their course and business.

For example, some course creators build authority and credibility through social media, blogging, podcasting, or speaking before launching their first course. They also seek feedback and support from mentors, peers, and students to validate their ideas and improve their offerings.

While formal certifications or degrees can help, many successful course creators have built thriving businesses based primarily on their industry's real-world experience, results, and reputation.

What are the main challenges of starting an Online Course Business?

From the perspective of a course creator, some of the main challenges of starting an online course business include:

  1. Validating your course idea and niche to ensure there is enough demand and willingness to pay among your target audience.
  2. Creating compelling and valuable course content that engages students and delivers on the promised outcomes often requires significant time, effort, and iteration.
  3. Recording and editing high-quality video and audio lessons, especially if you are new to multimedia production and need more professional equipment or skills.
  4. Building an audience and generating leads for your course through effective marketing and outreach, often competing with many other courses and free resources on your topic.
  5. Converting leads into paying students through sales pages, email marketing, webinars, and other promotional strategies can be complex and time-consuming.
  6. Providing ongoing support, engagement, and updates for students to ensure their success and satisfaction with the course, which can be challenging to scale as your student base grows.
  7. Staying motivated, productive, and organised as a solopreneur wearing many hats, especially if you are juggling your course business with other commitments or responsibilities.

Many course creators need to pay more attention to the amount of work and skill required to create and market a successful online course. As a result, they may struggle with self-doubt, procrastination, or burnout.

However, with proper planning, support, and perseverance, these challenges can be overcome, and the rewards of having a profitable and impactful online course business can be well worth the effort.

What is required to start an Online Course Business in Australia?

To start an online course business in Australia, some of the essential requirements and considerations include:

  1. Choose a business structure and register your business with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), such as a sole trader, partnership, or company.
  2. Obtaining an Australian Business Number (ABN) from the Australian Business Register for taxation and legal purposes.
  3. Setting up a business bank account and payment gateway to receive student payments, such as PayPal, Stripe, or a merchant account with an Australian bank.
  4. Complying with Australian Consumer Law (ACL) and other relevant regulations around online sales, marketing, and consumer protection, such as providing clear and accurate information about your course, offering refunds or guarantees, and protecting student data privacy.
  5. Determining your tax obligations, registering for Goods and Services Tax (GST) if your annual turnover exceeds $75,000, and reporting your income and expenses to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
  6. Protecting your intellectual property and trademarks through proper copyright notices, terms and conditions, and disclaimers on your course platform and marketing materials.
  7. Invest in business insurance, such as professional indemnity or public liability insurance, to protect against potential legal claims or damages arising from your course or advice.
  8. Building a local support network of mentors, peers, and service providers who understand the Australian business and education landscape, such as accountants, lawyers, or digital agencies.

While starting an online course business in Australia is relatively straightforward, seeking professional advice and conducting thorough research is essential to ensure compliance and success.

Joining industry associations or groups, such as the Australian Edtech Collaborative or the eLearning Industry Association of Australia, can also provide valuable resources, connections, and best practices for Australian course creators.

What is the Best Business Structure for an Online Course Business?

A business structure refers to the legal and organisational framework in which a business operates. This framework determines ownership, liability, taxation, and reporting requirements.

For an online course business in Australia, the best business structure depends on your circumstances, goals, and preferences, but the most common options are:

  1. Sole trader: A simple and low-cost structure where you operate the business as an individual, with complete control and responsibility for all aspects of the business. As a sole trader, your assets may be at risk if the business incurs debts or liabilities.
  2. Company: A more complex and formal structure where the business is a separate legal entity from its owners (shareholders), with limited liability protection for personal assets. A company may be more suitable for larger or higher-risk online course businesses but involves higher setup and ongoing costs, as well as stricter reporting and governance requirements.

A sole trader structure may be the most suitable for online course businesses in Australia, especially in the early stages or for smaller-scale operations. This is because:

  • It is simple and inexpensive to set up and maintain, with minimal paperwork and legal fees.
  • It allows for more flexibility and control over business decisions and operations.
  • It may provide tax advantages, such as claiming deductions for business expenses and losses against personal income.

However, as an online course business grows and generates more revenue, a company structure may become more advantageous for asset protection, investment, and succession planning.

Ultimately, the best business structure for an online course depends on the company's size and complexity, the level of personal risk and liability, the potential for growth and investment, and the owner's personal and financial goals.

How much tax does Online Course Business pay in Australia?

The amount of tax an online course business pays in Australia depends on factors such as:

  • The business structure (sole trader, company, etc.)
  • The total revenue and profit of the business
  • The eligible deductions and expenses claimed by the business
  • The owner's personal income and tax bracket
  • The applicable tax rates and thresholds for the financial year

As a sole trader, the business income is treated as personal income and taxed at the individual income tax rates ranging from 0% to 45%, depending on the taxable income bracket. For example, if a sole trader online course business generates $100,000 in annual revenue and $30,000 in deductible expenses, the taxable income would be $70,000, which would incur approximately $15,000 in income tax based on the 2021-2022 tax rates.

As a company, it pays a flat company tax rate of 25% on its taxable profits, which are the revenue minus the deductible expenses. The company's after-tax profits can then be distributed to shareholders as dividends, which may be subject to additional personal income tax. For example, if a company's online course business generates $500,000 in annual revenue and $200,000 in deductible expenses, the taxable profit would be $300,000, which would incur $75,000 in company tax at a 25% rate.

In addition to income tax, an online course business may be liable for Goods and Services Tax (GST) if its annual turnover exceeds $75,000. GST is a 10% tax on the sale of most goods and services in Australia, which the business must collect from customers and remit to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) quarterly or monthly.

Online course businesses can claim GST credits for any GST paid on business expenses, which can offset the GST liability on sales. For example, if an online course business collects $10,000 in GST on course sales and pays $6,000 on business expenses, it would only need to remit $4,000 in net GST to the ATO.

Online course businesses must keep accurate and up-to-date records of their income and expenses and seek professional tax advice to ensure compliance and optimise their tax obligations.

What are the tips for creating a successful online course business?

Here are five essential tips for creating a successful online course business, including the importance of networking:

  1. Validate your course idea and niche: Before investing time and resources into creating your course, ensure a genuine demand and market for your topic. Conduct market research, survey your target audience, and analyse competing courses to identify gaps and opportunities. This will help you create a course that stands out and resonates with your ideal students.
  2. Focus on student outcomes and transformations: The most successful online courses deliver tangible results and transformations for students. Clearly define your course's learning objectives, outcomes, and benefits, and design your content and activities to support those goals. Use real-world examples, case studies, and practical exercises to help students apply and retain their learning.
  3. Invest in high-quality production and user experience: To stand out in a crowded online course market, creating a polished and professional course that engages and delights students is essential. Invest in quality video and audio equipment, editing software, and visual design to create a seamless and enjoyable learning experience. Test your course platform and content for usability, accessibility, and mobile responsiveness to ensure a smooth and frustration-free experience for students.
  4. Build a targeted and multi-channel marketing strategy: To attract and enrol students in your course, you need to create a compelling and targeted marketing strategy that reaches your ideal audience where they are. Develop a unique and authentic brand voice and messaging that communicates the value and benefits of your course. Use organic and paid marketing channels, such as social media, email marketing, content marketing, and advertising, to build awareness, trust, and desire for your course. Continuously test and optimise your marketing efforts based on data and feedback.
  5. Cultivate a strong network and community: Building relationships and connections with other course creators, industry experts, influencers, and potential partners can be a game-changer for your online course business. Networking allows you to learn from others' experiences, gain valuable insights and feedback, and tap into new audiences and opportunities. Join online communities and groups related to your niche, attend industry events and conferences, and collaborate with complementary businesses or experts to cross-promote and add value to your courses. Building a supportive and engaged community around your course can also help you retain and attract students through word-of-mouth and social proof.

Is Networking Important for an Online Course Business?

Yes, networking is crucial for the success and growth of an online course business. In the context of online courses, networking provides several key benefits:

  1. Learning and development: Connecting with other course creators and industry experts lets you stay up-to-date on best practices, trends, and strategies for creating and marketing online courses. You can learn from others' successes and failures and get feedback and advice on course ideas and challenges.
  2. Collaborations and partnerships: Networking can lead to collaboration opportunities with other course creators or businesses on joint ventures, affiliate promotions, or bundled offerings. Partnering with complementary experts or brands can expand your reach, credibility, and revenue potential.
  3. Referrals and word-of-mouth: Building relationships with other professionals in your niche can generate referrals and recommendations for your courses. If you provide value and support to others, they may be more likely to promote your courses to their audiences and networks.
  4. Speaking and media opportunities: Networking can also open up opportunities to speak at events, conferences, or podcasts or to be featured in media outlets or publications. These opportunities can help you gain visibility, authority, and credibility as an expert.
  5. Emotional support and accountability: Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and challenging journey, and having a supportive network of peers and mentors can provide encouragement, motivation, and accountability to keep you on track and overcome obstacles.

Networking doesn't have to be formal or time-consuming - it can involve engaging in online communities, attending virtual events, or reaching out to individuals for authentic conversations and connections. The key is to focus on providing value and building genuine relationships rather than just seeking transactional benefits.

What are the Investment Costs to Start an Online Course Business?

The investment costs to start an online course business can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of your course, the tools and services you use, and your marketing and advertising budget. However, here's a general overview of the potential costs involved:

  1. Course creation: This can include expenses such as equipment (camera, microphone, lighting), software (video editing, screen recording, graphic design), and outsourcing (hiring videographers, designers, or subject matter experts). Costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.
  2. Course platform: You'll need a platform to host and deliver course content, manage students, and process payments. Popular options include Thinkific, Teachable, Kajabi, and Udemy, which charge monthly or annual fees ranging from $29 to $399 per month, depending on the features and level of service.
  3. Website and branding: To establish your online presence and credibility, you may need to invest in a professional website, domain name, logo, and branding assets. Costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on whether you DIY or hire a designer or developer.
  4. Marketing and advertising: To attract students to your course, you may need to invest in marketing activities such as social media advertising, content marketing, email marketing, or influencer partnerships. Costs vary widely depending on your budget and strategy but can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars monthly.
  5. Business and legal: To establish and maintain your online course business, you may also need to invest in business registration, accounting, and legal services. Depending on your location and requirements, costs can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

Starting an online course business can cost anywhere from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on your specific needs and goals. However, many of these costs can be minimised or deferred by starting small, using free or low-cost tools, and reinvesting your revenue into the business over time.

How to start an Online Course Business without spending money

While starting an online course business typically requires some investment, there are ways to minimise or avoid upfront costs using free or low-cost tools and strategies. Here's a list of tips for starting an online course business with little or no money:

  1. Use free course creation tools: Instead of investing in expensive equipment or software, use your smartphone or webcam to record video lessons, and use free tools like Canva, Loom, or OBS Studio for video editing, screen recording, and graphic design.
  2. Host your course on a free platform: Platforms like Thinkific, Teachable, and Kajabi offer free plans with limited features, or you can use a free website builder like WordPress or Wix to create a simple course website.
  3. Leverage organic marketing channels: Instead of paying for advertising, focus on organic marketing strategies like content marketing (blogging, podcasting, video), social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn), and email marketing (building an email list).
  4. Presell your course: Before creating your entire course, offer a discounted presale or beta version to a small group of students to validate your idea and generate initial revenue to reinvest in your course development.
  5. Offer a payment plan: To make your course more accessible and affordable for students, offer a payment plan or instalment option to spread the cost over time.
  6. Partner with affiliates: Reach out to other bloggers, influencers, or course creators in your niche and offer them a commission or revenue share for promoting your course to their audiences.
  7. Apply for grants or funding: Look for grants, scholarships, or funding opportunities for online learning or entrepreneurship in your location or industry, such as the Australian government's New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS).

While starting an online course business without money may be more challenging and time-consuming, it is possible with creativity, resourcefulness, and a willingness to learn and experiment. The key is to focus on providing value to your students and building relationships with your audience rather than getting caught up in expensive tools or tactics.

What are the Main Benefits of starting an Online Course Business?

From the perspective of earning money, starting an online course business offers several compelling benefits:

  1. High-profit margins: Unlike physical products or services, online courses have low overhead costs and high profit margins, often 50-90%. Once you create your course content, you can sell it repeatedly to new students without incurring significant additional costs.
  2. Scalable income: Online courses allow you to scale your income beyond the limits of trading time for money. By creating a course once and selling it to many students, you can generate passive or leveraged income that grows over time as you attract more students and develop more courses.
  3. Global reach: With an online course, you can reach and teach students from anywhere worldwide, 24/7. This allows you to expand your potential customer base and revenue beyond your local market or personal network.
  4. Flexibility and freedom: An online course business can provide a flexible and location-independent income stream that allows you to work from anywhere on your schedule. This can give you more freedom and control over your lifestyle and earning potential.
  5. Multiple revenue streams: Besides course sales, an online course business can generate revenue through various streams such as affiliate marketing, coaching, consulting, sponsorships, or merchandise. Diversifying your income sources can create a more stable and sustainable business model.

To evidence these benefits, consider the following proof points:

  • According to Research and Markets, the global e-learning market is projected to reach $325 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • A Thinkific case study featured a course creator who generated over $1 million in revenue from a single course launch and had a profit margin of over 80%.

While these results are not typical or guaranteed, they demonstrate the potential for significant income and growth in the online course industry for creators who can develop valuable and in-demand courses and market them effectively.

What are the disadvantages of starting an Online Course Business?

While starting an online course business can be a rewarding and lucrative venture, it also comes with some potential disadvantages and challenges to consider:

  1. High competition: The online course market is becoming increasingly crowded and competitive, with thousands of courses available on every topic imaginable. Standing out and attracting students can be challenging, especially for new or niche topics.
  2. Time and effort required: Creating a high-quality online course can be a significant time and energy investment, often requiring months of planning, research, content creation, and technical setup. Ongoing marketing, student support, and course updates require consistent effort and attention.
  3. Technology and skill barriers: Running an online course requires various technical and digital skills, such as video production, website design, marketing automation, and customer service. Learning and managing these skills can be overwhelming or costly for some course creators.
  4. Unpredictable income: While online courses can generate passive or scalable income, sales and revenue can be unexpected and fluctuate based on market demand, competition, and marketing effectiveness. Finding a profitable and sustainable course model can take time and experimentation.
  5. Limited personal interaction: Unlike in-person teaching or coaching, online courses can feel impersonal or disconnected for some students and instructors. Building rapport, engagement, and accountability with students can be more challenging in a virtual environment.
  6. Constant evolution and updates: The online course landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies, platforms, and student expectations emerging continually. Staying up-to-date and relevant requires ongoing learning, adaptation, and innovation, which can be exhausting or expensive.

While these disadvantages and challenges are real, they can be mitigated with proper planning, support, and mindset. Many successful course creators have navigated these obstacles by focusing on their unique value proposition, building authentic relationships with their students and audience, and continuously improving their courses and marketing based on feedback and results.

Who can help you start a successful online course business?

Starting a successful online course business often requires support and guidance from various sources, including mentors, coaches, and communities of peers and experts. Here's a definitive answer on who can help:

  1. Business coaches and mentors: Working with a business coach or mentor with experience in the online course industry can provide invaluable guidance, accountability, and support. A coach can help you clarify your niche and target audience, develop your course content and marketing strategy, and overcome mindset and technical challenges. They can also provide feedback, encouragement, and connections to help you grow and succeed.
  2. Online course communities and masterminds: Joining an online community or mastermind group of other course creators can provide knowledge, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities. These groups often include creators at various stages of their journey, from beginners to advanced, who can share tips, resources, and lessons learned. Participating in these communities can help you stay motivated, informed, and connected to the industry's latest trends and best practices.

Having a supportive network of mentors and peers is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Accelerated learning and avoiding mistakes: By learning from others before you, you can shortcut your learning curve and avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that cost you time and money.
  2. Accountability and motivation: Having a group of people to report to and celebrate wins with can help you stay accountable and motivated to reach your goals, even when faced with setbacks or challenges.
  3. Collaborations and cross-promotions: Connecting with other course creators in complementary niches can lead to opportunities for joint ventures, affiliate partnerships, or content collaborations that can help you reach new audiences and generate more revenue.
  4. Emotional support and camaraderie: Entrepreneurship can be a lonely and challenging journey, and having a supportive community of like-minded individuals can provide encouragement, empathy, and friendship to help you persevere and thrive.

Statistics show the power of mentorship and community for online course creators:

  • A survey by Mirasee found that course creators with a mentor or coach were 20% more likely to launch their course and 60% more likely to be satisfied with their course results than those who did not have a mentor.
  • A case study by Teachable featured a course creator who attributed her success in creating and launching a course to participating in a mastermind group and building relationships with other creators in her niche.


Ultimately, while starting an online course business can be done solo, having the right support system and network can make the journey faster, easier, and more enjoyable. Investing in relationships and learning from others can pay dividends in personal and business growth.
