How this mum created successful businesses from her purpose of bringing happiness into the world.

Elaine Davies has journeyed through diverse landscapes and cultures to become a leading property entrepreneur and accredited coach in Australia.

9 minute read
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Tell me about your property business, and I believe you have another business too?

17 years ago, I became a buyer's agent because I was really tired of the way us real estate agents treated buyers. I find it interesting that when people are selling a house, they don't think, shall I use a real estate agent? It's which one? But when you're buying, which is when you make your money, it's not like “Which buyer's agent” it's like, should I even use one? Yes, of course, that's what I see as more important than the real estate agent. But that's just my humble opinion. I worked for some big names in the industry. I seem to just work for people who are on telly, for Chris Gray, Veronica Morgan from Location, Location, Location,  Simon Cohen from Luxe Listings. In 2016, I set up my own business, New Road Property. But that whole time when I first came to Australia, it was actually mindset I worked in. So back then I was on TV, I was on Beauty and the Beast, I was writing tonnes of articles, for about seven different magazines on mindset. But it's when my marriage broke up I got back into property. I don't know why I thought being a single mother of a two year old with no support, no family, you know, property that is not a waged job would be a secure option. And I don't know how I got through those years between when my son was two and certainly started school, but I look back and it was like “I made it”.  When I became a buyer's agent, my son Morgan was often with me. He'd be at opens with me and, or I'd be taking him out with me with clients. I look back and I can't even fathom what women have to go through. But it was always mindset for me.  

How would you describe your own purpose?
My purpose is to bring happiness into the world. I think it boils down to that, to bring joy and happiness. Joy and happiness is an internal thing. And we were born happy. Babies didn't know to be miserable. They knew to shout and scream if they were hungry. They tell us what they want. They have no qualms. They'll keep us up all night. Why shouldn't we be like that? So it's definitely, this thing of happiness, I feel is kind of kept within an orb. We keep it in. We don't put it out into the world anymore because we've been so hurt. We've been told silly things. We believe these silly things. So the key to happiness is very much in just belief in yourself. And as you say, this purpose, if you can know what your purpose is, now purpose sounds a massive word, right? Your purpose might be to save the world through fast fashion. It might be that, and fantastic. I'm a massive fan of that.
Your purpose could be to have a really happy family and cook beautiful food for them. As long as you know what your purpose is and that's what your joy is, and you don't worry that that's your purpose. It can be anything but you need to know what lights you up. You need to know what do you love talking about, what do you love thinking about, what do you like to contemplate if you've got half an hour you're waiting for a bus or whatever. What is it, where does your mind go and how much of that is in your life?

I think my purpose is literally to bring happiness into the world as many people as I can and success, success and happiness, whatever that success is.

What are some of the ways that you have boosted the visibility for both those businesses at the same time over the years? Is there a particular strategy you've used that surprised you that worked really well?

It's really interesting. Everything with me is referral and I, to be honest, I don't know what that is. I don't know why I'm a good referral. I have tried Facebook ads, and I network like crazy. Mums & Co is a fabulous source of support and business for networking. So when I say referral, I think for me, face-to-face networking is an incredibly important part of my marketing strategy. And I'm going to keep going with Facebook ads, and I'm not going to give up on it, but I really am a referral business on both.