Produced by - Lucy Kippist
Edited by - Morgan Sebastian Brown
Interviewers - Carrie Kwan and Lucy Kippist
Guest – Tracy Hall
Tracy Hall is an author, keynote speaker and senior marketing executive. Over the last 25 years, Tracy has had extensive exposure to start-ups, large corporations and global tech brands including Virgin Mobile, eBay, GoDaddy and Afterpay. She frequently consults for smaller companies, volunteers as a teen mentor for The Raise Foundation and is a Board Director for the Men's Mental Health Charity - Mongrels Men.In 2019, Tracy became known as Hamish McLaren's famous 'last victim' thanks to her role in The Australian's hit podcast, Who the Hell is Hamish? Today, Tracy writes and speaks publicly about intimate fraud, scams, financial empowerment, victim mindsets, resilience and our need to rethink how we trust.
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